Search results

  1. T

    Feeling depressed, having selective perception, is this relationship failing?

    Or maybe I'm just having a ninny moment. Story: Been with girl for two years. Thought I had a good thing going. It's been amazing... until recently. See it started off as a LRD- though we still saw one another every week and chatted on the phone almost everyday, at varying durations. Anything...
  2. T

    Attitude and mindset prob.

    What I'm very happy about in this relationship of mine is just how gorgeous my girlfriend is. A definite 10. Ultimately, that's now also the cause of my worry. We've been together for almost two years now. Lately (say, 3-5 months) we've been getting more serious. Mostly in all senses. And I...
  3. T

    Bad bad bad...

    I screwed up. Got so insecure yesterday cause I found my gf talking quite a bit to some guy. I knew this guy liked her... everyone knew that... I confronted her with it and she got really upset that I didn't trust her. Then to top this short sad story off, I branded myself a bit of a Loser by...
  4. T

    Feeling so bloody insecure.

    1 1/2 year relationship. Everything was great... then I changed. I'm not sure where the fvck these new emotions came from - but I'm suspecting they went latent a long time ago and emerged again now because my GF started a different College. So yeah, it's a bit of an LDR, though we still...
  5. T

    Sex: Her first time...

    I've been a long time lurker, and never really had to post because I found all I needed using the search buttons, except for this. There probably are many similar threads, but I couldn't find any. Possibly because the search keywords are just too plentyful to narrow me down to any good...