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  1. D

    GIRLS should be BANNED from this site

    Yes, I said it!!! I think all the females should be BANNED from this site, or atleast not allowed to post, and let me tell you why... (I will keep it short so you dont have to read too much) Like it or not, girls most of the time DONT KNOW what they want. They say I want a nice guy with...
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    did you KNOW why some are NATURAL DJ's ? ? ?

    Some are natural cause they are SMART.... i.e have a high IQ... So you ask, what does that have to do with being a good PUA or DJ? Well, being smart means you are a quick learner, quick thinker and most importantly in art of picking up girls you are a GOOD OBSERVER!!!! just like in a...
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    NEW PICK UP LINE!!!!! do u think it will work? :)

    Okay, I am hung over from 4th of July, so the sarging is going to begin over the weeken.... But here is a pick up line that I will try to pull of... Think it will work? "Hey, I always wanted to be a clown, want to join the circus with me?" NOTICE.. i WILL NOT STOP just there, I will...
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    All Women Cheat, But You Can Prevent Yours From Doing So!!!!

    Yes, this is another attempt at my appeal to you of the importance of MENTAL ABUSE in a relationship... I just saw a thread with over 12,000 views and gazillion replies to "GOOD GIRLS CHEAT" and yes... THEY DO... and yes, ALL GIRLS DO.. That is why, assume if your a normal guy or you have...
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    Is getting back with your X EVER worth it?

    Quick question, with quick answer? Well, something cause you to break up in first place, what to say that that something will not happen again and not cause you to break up again (that is not even mentioning that most people cant get over something that happend in the past)... Hence, can...
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    TRUTH= 3 WAYS to become an ALPHA MALE!!!

    (3) TECHNIQUES to become an ALPHA MALE!!! the TRUTH will set you FREE I am sick and tierd of people asking "can I become an alpha male" "is being an alpha male genetic" "if im below average, can I become alpha male?" THE ANSWER IS,,, Yes, it is genetic and yes you can become one (nurture over...
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    I just realized something...and that we have been overlooking something... There is a fundamental difference between the art of PICKING UP "Seducing" women (as does DON JUAN) and the art of mastering RELATIONSHIPS (as does a PIMP) THIS IS HUGE and needs to be addressed.... i.e. If you want...
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    I BET YOU CANT gues what happens next!!

    This just happend recently... If your guess this right, you got Don Juan in you.. Girl was supposed to come to my place (she is confident, aggressive type, we dont really know each other, I just can feel she is interested in me), I was late comming outside to get her, its hot, by the time I get...
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    Funny Pick Up Line

    As I walk by or drive by or what ever and see a girl say for example next to a 7-11, I will ask her "Excuse me, do you know where I can find 7-11?" Most of the time, she will look around and then say "ammm, right there", and then i get a funny smirk and say "ahhh, wow, I guess I got caught with...
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    What to do if a girl HITS/ABUSE you.. Quote: Originally Posted by Espi Anyhow, this friend I talked about earlier - one day his girlfriend and he were fighting - and she hit him. He backhanded her pretty hard. Well, I don't know what it is, but I wanted to knock...
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    You are no longer DON JUAN when you ____

    the answer is, fall in love...... thats when you crawl back to this site, cause this SITE will keep your ass in line!!!! and prevent you from becomming a pssy...
  12. D

    Meaning Of Don Juan

    Here it is.. NO HESITATION.. one who hesitates, masterbates.. i.e. you see a girl you like, GO FOR IT.. cause while you wait and figure out how to grow a pair of nuts, somebody else is hitting it, cause if its not you, its somebody else... You can read about how to swim all you want, but until...