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  1. B

    stupid girl how the are we suposed to understand them..

    ok so i do my normal log onto msn once a day thing and so my friend msgs me (girl) and well she says hi and we alk for like 30 seconds then shes says she has to go becuase her comp was freezing>??? highly unlikily...she starts covo and makes up exuse to leave? idk mabye it was true but i doubt...
  2. B

    Angels, and god

    Did you ever notice how in the bible whenever god needed to punish someone, but whenever god needed a killing...he sent an angel. Do you ever wonder what a creature like that must be like?? a whole existance spent praising your god but always with one wing dipped in blood. would you ever realy...
  3. B

    My opinion about this site

    i would just like to is it that this stuff works...i mean about probably 1000o guys look at this and many other sites like this a day or even an hour...i mean wouldnt that mean taht 10000 guys are all useing the same stradegy to get girls? i honestly do not understand this site at all...
  4. B

    Clerks II

    who has seen this movie is it good? my firends tell me its ****ing hilaroius! what do u guys think
  5. B

    Serous question could mean someones life

    ok one of my female friends just admitted to me she cuts and smokes because of her bf...this is seroius i want to help her but i dont know how can someone tell me what the **** i do caus ethis is hitting me all at ocne here *sigh(
  6. B

    Hi, problems help me out :)

    ok theres this girl or w.e, during the school year it was obvous to me and everyone that she liked me, well now come summer and we talk every day on the msn and occalanly phone ( not to oftenly) but anyways my point is we realy ahvnt been hanging out at all and shes starting to lose interest i...
  7. B

    My sad little girl problem

    ok theres this girl and im sure she likes me, always says hi in halls alot of kino and alot teaseing always talking about how we should hang out and stuff....but theres only one problem....shes a total sunshine girl....should i just say fvck it and just call i friends or shoudl i try and take...