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  1. M

    Sarging ****tail waitresses? (need help)

    I play poker in atlantic city as my summer job. The Borgata girls are like... pretty amazing, I think they definitely descriminate when they hire and only hire dimes. Any ideas how to talk to these girls and get a date outside the cardroom? thanks, Matt
  2. M

    Need Help Asap (shes Coming In 1 Hr) Read

    hey guys.. I know this is pretty dumb, being ive closed deals many times before but I wanted to ask ur opinion. I have a girl, who is coming down in an hour to watch a movie. I want to try to mess around, etc etc. what are some good ways to do this, we dont know each other that well- how can...
  3. M

    Talking to a girl who I think has a bf but she was hardcore flirting with me

    What do I do here... she was flirting so hard with me the other night. How do I ask her about her bf if she has it or not, cuz her facebook says shes got a bf. but shes taken theinitiative to IM me a few times now.
  4. M

    Thoughts on women posting on this site

    If you found the cure for cancer, would you tell it to someone else before you make billions off it? just a thought... not trying to start a war just wondering what others think
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    tested out some new things: my findings.

    I have been a "nice guy" ever since i started dating back when I was 15 and where did it get me? No where. I finally realized that being JUST nice was not going to cut it after my girlfriend cheated on me with her ex right after we got back from the Bahamas on an all expense paid trip by yours...
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    trying to get over my ex... plz help

    I was with a girl for 6 months, and alot went on during this time. I am very lost in my life right now because this has never happened to me before with a girlfriend. First off, I am a 21 year old junior in college. I am 6'6 w/blonde hair and brown eyes. I started dating a girl I thought was...