Search results

  1. E

    LJBF and she is crazy.

    So this girl I work with, and have been friends with for quite some time, came at me hard and awkwardly one weekend. She told me she liked me, slept over at my house (in hindsight I should have had sex with her.) After going out to breakfast twice, and a few quick kisses, I continued to pursue...
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    Bombing College

    Hi, I am currently in my second semester of college, with about 3 weeks left (4 including finals week) . I have missed 2 tests in 2 classes due to illness. I have a class with a group project that I haven't been involved in at all, and need to be to pass. I also haven't turned in a paper...
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    I feel horrible. Any idea what I have?

    I've had a lot of trouble making it to school and work lately, because I've had a lot of fatigue and weakness. I have a hard job, and work nights, but I have been doing that for a long time now. I get really bad fatigue about 8 hours after I wake up. Blood tests they did were fine, so I am...
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    Friend's younger sister's friend.

    I have a situation that is confusing for me (almost as confusing as that title ^). I've found myself thinking a lot about my friend's younger sister's best friend. I just started college, and she is in highschool. I got to know her a little bit when I was in high school, but I didn't think...
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    Getting her email or number using facebook

    I have quite a few girls on facebook that I first talked to, then added as a friend or they added me, and I was wondering what a good way to get an email address and/or number from them using the facebook. I don't know them all very well, and most I haven't even messaged on facebook.
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    I'm looking to buy a new razor. Which ones do you guys use and what would you recommend?
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    Cleaning the House

    I currently live at home with my parents and two siblings, and my house is usually pretty messy, because no one else will help clean it up. I don't like to invite friends over because of that. Also, I find that I have been feeling guilty leaving the house to sarge or something or to just hang...
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    Female friend's cousin

    I was recently introduced to a female cousin of a female friend (I don't know if you need to know both of those, but it probably does change the situation), and she's pretty cool. Plus I recieved many IOI's such as kino and playing with my hair. They both live together at a college about an...
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    where'd all the good chicks go?

    A friend and I decided we were going to go look for girls. We went to a few stores, seeing as we have no mall, and we found few if any girls, and most were hanging off of guys. Maybe I'll just pick girls up at the gym. Any advice? (about any of it)
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    Anybody in UT(Utah) Bountiful area?

    Any cool guys in bountiful, centerville farmington or pretty much the surrounding area. I am 18.
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    Saturday Night

    What do you guys do on a Saturday Night when you don't have a date? General is okay, but specifics would be cool too.
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    Best places to buy clothes

    Where do you guys shop for clothes? I was thinking something like Ross, maybe even the supermarket because they are cheap.
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    Picking up girls...Where and how?

    Hey guys, I'm just looking for a list of normal places (not including a mall) where you think are good places to pick up women/girls (I'm 18 so highschool girls are still ok, even preferred, as most girls my age went off to college). And I'm also looking for some of the strategies you guys use...
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    Need a Date For Saturday

    I have a double date scheduled for Saturday, and I think it will be a lot of fun if I can find a date. There are two girls I could potentially take(friends), but I was just wondering if someone could give me a step by step or something for a meeting a new girland taking her in so small an...
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    Myspace Girl

    There is this girl on myspace that I recognize from school. I made eye contact quite a few times, and held it, but I never really acted on it. She is also sort of a friend of a friend(guy) that I don't really hang out with much anymore, and she used to go to one of my friends(girl) church, and...
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    LTR Opportunity

    There is this girl I like, and she likes me (or so my friends say), though we are technically just friends, and it might be an opportunity for a long term relationship. The reason I'm posting this, is I'm just wondering what you guys thing about LTR's, I've never been in one. I've just been...
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    What should I do for my 18th birthday?

    My birthday is tomorrow, and I don't really have any plans, I am working until 3:30, but I don't really want to just hang out with the family. Any suggestions guys?
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    Yearbook day

    Tomorrow at my school, it is yearbook day, as I'm sure some of the other people on this forum will have soon, and I'm a senior. I was just wondering if it is a good time (I know...anytime is a good time) to meet girls or if it is weird and kinda too late, you know, last day and everything. You...
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    A sort of...Approach Journal

    I have decided to start an Approach Journal. I will write in it everyday, if possible, and tell you what went on at school for the day. I may have nothing to report the first couple of days, but with some support, I'll be able to come up with some good stories and experiences. I figure it...
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    Friend 1 year younger than me, and his group of friends.

    I have a pretty (well, not very) interesting situation. I have a friend, (next door neighbor too), a year younger than me, who I have know since I was like 3. We have always been pals but lately we have been hanging out with different groups of friends and it has been ages since we hang out...