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  1. B

    so I pose a question

    I have done this stuff for about 4 years now, I've banged a lot of girls, but I am no where near where I'd like to be I suppose.... Anyways, I have to ask a question. I have done a search, and have seen a lot of posts on how to deal with shyness in yourself, but what do you do when the...
  2. B


    Gentleman: I need some motivation. I have better then average, but not necessarily out of this world game. I have dated a girl in an open relationship for quite some time now. We started off fairly well. I dated around, she dated around. I didn't really sieze too much opportunity, but I...
  3. B

    Help me find my sticking point please

    Heres the deal. I have read the dj bible, and know the basics, and have been putting them to use in the field for approaches for a little while now. But something happens that puts me in the friend zone with any girl I actually have some kind of "more then physical" attraction towards. I have...
  4. B

    A Borne Inspired Journal...Billy Badass style!

    Well, in effort to get my life where I want it, I am gonna do some things to push it in the right direction. I currently have no consistent friends, I hardly ever go out, and I am basically alone. Along with that, I have other goals in mind because being a DJ is a lifestyle alltogether, its...
  5. B

    Gettin back into the game

    Well, you people have heard this story 6 trillion times before. I was 21 years old, hadn't even kissed a girl. My friend introduced me to DYD, and from their, I stumbled on this site, and masf. (I tend to prefer this one). I managed to scrounge up enough game to get myself a girl, and lose my...