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  1. A


    ok so heres the thing, i went out with this girl that we've been dating on and off for a couple of months now, well a little over a year actually. Anywho, we went out and i got super duper drunk, she took me home, and i apparently did some ****ed up things that i dont remember. Well that...
  2. A

    should i stop wasting my time????

    hey y'all heres a quick synopsis. Ive been talkin to this girl for about a month now and we dont get to see each other often cause all the stuff we gotta do. Anywho, so its evident that i like her and vice versa. SO last thursday, we go out and we both get tipsy and i started mouthing off...
  3. A

    6 years, tired, and tryin to break up!

    ok, so heres the story.... ive been with this girl since i was a sophmore in high school, 6 years later im almost through with college. When we first met, everything was great, then slowly the jealousy appeared, constant nagging, and attention fiending. Ive been with her for 6 years now, but...