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  1. R

    An unexpected twist

    Hello Djs, The issue at hand: I asked a girl a week ago for her number, she gave it right away with no problem. Now I have called her 2-3 times, from my cell phone and another phone and never get an answer, just ringing. (I don't remeber if she got my cell number) Anyhow, sent a...
  2. R

    Paleolithic Bodybuilding

    Hello, I've last eaten bread/pasta/rice in March of 2003, and I admit I feel absolutely fine. I now thrive on a diet of nuts, fruit, fish, meats of various kinds, salads, olives and various cheeses. I haven't had a soft drink in 2 years, although sometimes I indulger in some pastries (once or...
  3. R

    The truth about height

    Greetings to all: I've come to the recent conclusion that women almost never date a man their height or shorter. This seems obvious, but I remind myself that most of the girls I found attractive in the past where taller than myself, and this could be a natural barrier. How many of you...
  4. R

    Record time without sex?

    To all Djs, I'm writing to see if there are any other people in the same boat! Meaning, those who got sex and then....nothing, for months or even years! My record, broken last August, was 3 years and 3 weeks without doing it. Any aspiring record breakers? Oh, and a piece of advice...
  5. R

    Situation with excellent potential

    Greetings, I'm taking a foreign language class twice a week, and out of 8 people 6 are girls in their twenties and pretty good. I'm interested in one in particular, but it is very difficult to speak due to the environment: classroom is small, she comes and goes with friends all the time...