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  1. R

    Need help closing

    I met an HB7.5 about a week ago at my friends house. He threw a get together and wanted to introduce me to someone he and his wife knows (HB8). No one ever really introduced us and she stayed in the group of 5-8 women every time I looked so I never really walked up to introduce myself. Well the...
  2. R

    FR: Number close at the club

    So im out alone after my friends left the club to go home. I head to the dance floor to find a girl to dance. Find one, ask her name and stick my hand out to lead her to a different spot on the dance floor but still near her friends. She dances with me for about 15 seconds then moves over to one...
  3. R

    Need some input

    I chatted up a girl this weekend at a wedding. She was the most attractive girl at the wedding, much less that i've ever opened (HB10, I have only met a few other HB10's in 4 years of bartending). We were in line at the bar and, I opened with small talk about my drink and asked what she thought...
  4. R

    Girlfriend broke up with me

    so i've been dating this girl for 2.5 years. Im 24, she's 21 in a week. I love her. Couple days ago she tells me that she needs her space, and she needs to find herself. We've been dating since she got out of high school and she's never really had time to go through the party scene. Now she...
  5. R

    FIELD REPORT: same situation. advice please! (kinda long)

    : same situation. advice please! (kinda long) new problems with same girl from this thread from a few weeks ago. if you dont want to read the events that led up to it just skip the first 3 paragraphs well yesterday...
  6. R this girl is showing all the buying signals....BUT!

    both her (angel) and i are off of work this weekend...all weekend. i go out to the club i work at just to bull**** around with all of my friends that are working. i get a text from Angel asking if im going out toinght. i told her that she's already behind me and that im already out. so she says...
  7. R

    new pickup line for you non-afc's

    did this last night and it worked like a charm. i walked up to this HB9 and simply said,"you know, i realise that you're probably shy because you get no attention from men whatsoever, so i thought i'd come over here and pay some attention to you" went home with her last night
  8. R

    need tips on how to keep a fcuk-buddy

    i hooked up with a girl this weekend and i know the guy she is dating. the guy is always complaining about how she's always worried about where he is and who he's with. before we did the deed, i straight up told her that there was never going to be a relationship between us and that anything...
  9. R

    ******** translation please

    last night this girl told me that for the first month that she knew me she couldn't stand her boyfriend. she didn't even want to be around him... until one night she got drunk, told me how she felt about me and kissed me then she started liking her boyfriend again. what is she really saying?
  10. R

    I need advice on how to close this! Please help! (long)

    Ok. Well about 3 months ago this new girl started working at the night club that i work at. (7.5 looks, 10 on personality) so of course i did not hesitate to meet this girl and start teasing her and busting on her from the moment we met. she was kind of shy at first and didn't really say...
  11. R

    Dealing with insecurities

    One thing that i've noticed with many of the guys on this board is that they dont know how to overcome some of their smaller more popular insecurities. (by popular i mean insecurities that most people have) i've found one way to deal with these insecurities for myself. whenever im in a...
  12. R

    Are you scared of success?

    I've been here almost 2 months now and i've learned quite a bit about a topic that, previously, I learned that I knew very little about. I read article after article, for hours on end, day after day. Soaking in, memorizing and reevaluating my past relationships and experiences with the opposite...
  13. R

    went out last night with this chick and it ended rather wierd. input appreciated

    first of all this isn't "one-itis". im not asking how to get the girl back or anything. what im trying to figure out is what i could have done better to improve my results. last night i had a date with this HB9. we planned to go have a cup of coffee and she called and said that she was going...
  14. R

    Just met a girl in Florida... I need advice!

    ok well i just got back from Florida a couple of days ago. There really weren't many girls down there and all of the ones that i talked to were under 16 (im 21). i didn't really feel like going out to any clubs because my brother was here with his girlfriend and they didn't really want to go and...