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  1. D

    How to Be and Become Attractive

    How to Be and Become Attractive Dimitri of Rapid Social Impact An attractive person does a lot of things: Some consciously, many unconsciously. Attractiveness is influenced by a great deal of things, and that can cause a lot of confusion for some people...
  2. D


    There's more than one reason for anything. Everything. Even the simplest thing has at least some minor contributing factor. So when you decide why you like something... One of my girls is a really hot Caribbean girl. If someone asked me why I thought she was hot, I might say, "Well, damn...
  3. D

    Constructing a kickass, brag-a-ton story

    When I was younger and perhaps a tad more arrogant, I had a saying: "Modesty is for those of modest capabilities." I knew I was hot ****, and I didn't fail to let anyone know. Only problem is I came across as a prick. Outright bragging is no good. But does that mean we should swing the...
  4. D

    Complete Guide to Starting Pickup

    [Repost. Originally posted and copywritten 7/29/04.] I'm going to break down the fundamentals of starting the art of pickup. These skills are critical and fundamental, regardless of what style or camp you subscribe to. That said, these aren't rules. Everything I write is flexible and...