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  1. P

    Which race of women sellout the most?

    My answer would be white women. Because there are far more white women who are in interracial relationships than any other races. I tell you why. Some people here are talking about how some asian women are dating whitemen, ect. But (from my observation) they're mostly with either white or...
  2. P

    Being tall isn't always good

    It is proven fact that people who are overly tall (over 6 foot) will have more health problems in later years. I've personally never seen older guys who are over 6 foot, in good shape live to be over 60 years old. I'm 5'9, very happy with my height. To those guys who are under 6 foot, you should...
  3. P

    DJ bible - who decide to pick the articles?

    Because i remember seeing couple of AFC posts on the bible. I read a short post about "when a girl flakes on you, call and let her know that you're very upset, you're not going to accept that kind of behavior" and some other bullcrap that i don't remember. That sound very AFC to me.
  4. P

    I don't give a f@ck attitude...give me an example

    What exactly is it? Is it acting arrogant, ****y or loud?