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  1. D

    3 weeks no workout, muscle mass loss?

    The gym I use for weight training is at school, and I have about 3 weeks Christmas break. So that's three weeks with no gym. All I can do is run. How much muscle mass/strength will I lose in three weeks of abject laziness?
  2. D

    Parrots and Spandex. A pointless post.

    How do you really, truly change yourself and your perceptions?I've read everything and am getting bogged down with some conflicting answers. I don't mean tactics and self-improvement and whatnot. I've done all that. Learned to play blues guitar, started running 12 miles a week, dressed...
  3. D

    skinny wife beaters

    I'm a pretty skinny guy. I work out, and have some very light musculature but still pretty thin. Just that body type. Anyway, I'm wondering if you guys think I could pull wearing wife beaters off. I like how they look, but do you think it would work? You usually only see the bigger guys...
  4. D

    Why does SW101 hate us?

    I don't get it. Double Diamonds suggested that we visit the seducingwomen site. I go over, take a look, and find that it seems all they do is flame sosuave and the DJs. Why do they hate us? Apparently, from almost every thread I read on their forums, they have some sort of one-sided feud...
  5. D

    Taking the Edge off, nipping, etc

    The other day, unexpectedly, I ended up taking a shot of everclear around second period. All the way till lunch I felt great. Normally I'm pretty relaxed, but halfway buzzed I was extremely laidback and outgoing, I talked to everyone. That little bit just to loosen things up really helps. It...
  6. D

    Do it, because you never know

    Today I had to speak for fifteen minutes on Malcolm X for a history class. I had dreaded it all semester. It worried me for months, every time I thought about it I would feel a twinge of anxiety. I had it all planned in my head about how I would mess up and say something completely stupid...
  7. D

    The Skin You're In

    None of us are perfect. There really isn't such a thing as perfection. But we are constantly improving, working towards the impossible goal of social, physical, mental, or spiritual apex. And its good to improve. Which is why you should be happy with yourself even as you suck. Yes, you...
  8. D

    Boot Camp and the Bible

    I've decided to go through bootcamp. It will be hard... I don't even have a car. Are we still supposed to post the results of our expirements? And I was wondering if I should really adhere to the Bible Reading...
  9. D


    Hey, I'm the Dapper Don. New to the forum, and wanted to have a voice. To be a part of this. You guys are making something here. History, a revolution. If you were to compile all this into a book you'd be rich. And I want to be a part of it. I can't yet contribute like some of the...