Search results

  1. C

    biggest AFC - averaged 8 texts and 3 calls per hour

    So, my female friend and went out to the bar. She was very drunk and gave out her number at the bar. She regretted it the next day. She woke up to 26 text messages and 15 missed calls in six hours. I normally would call bull****, but I saw them. Biggest AFC ever? To new DJs, don't do...
  2. C

    Rabbits attack giraffes because screw hippos

    Alright, now that I have your attention. My actual post. I don't know what it is about the allure of this site, but I still visit it ten years after I first began coming here. I just realized the five most important lessons in life, so far. 1.) It's not all about girls. Generally...
  3. C

    Girls are a distraction

    Recently, I survived a major car accident that almost took my life. While in the hospital (I still am). I have been able to look over my life and reevaluate my decisions in my life. I was recently looking at my single-minded focus of getting girls when I first started coming here. I realized...
  4. C

    D&d 3.5

    Any D&D players on the forum? I am starting a new campaign and I want a new idea for a character. Currently I am a Cat Ranger with a foot fetish and I yell at myself (think about Vegeta from DBZ Abridged yelling at Nappa). The character is based on a real-life person that I go to college with...
  5. C

    LR: Lab Partner and three day fvckfest

    OK so I wrote this really late at night and on little sleep. Don't mind the fact that the grammar is not up to my usual standards, but I figure everyone here loves Lay Reports. So, this one is from a month and a half ago. I got this new relationship. We went out on a couple of dates before...
  6. C

    Favorite Comedian so far - Christopher Titus

    So my favorite comedian that I have found out about was Christopher Titus. He used to work for FOX and his show was called "Titus." Norman Rockwell is Bleeding Love is Evol (favorite one so far and probably best one for this website)...
  7. C

    I'm Finally Here!!!

    So I've finally freaking arrived and won't be moved by moderators anymore for being too young! I remember wanting to post in this since I was 18, but I can completely see why I was not allowed to post inside. My thoughts were nowhere near the level of maturity that they are at now. I am hoping...
  8. C

    25 Years Old and the Mature Man Forum

    Holy Sh!t in fifteen days or so I will be 25 and allowed to post in the MM forum :box: Not going to get kicked out of the forum anymore b!tches!!! -and- damn I have been at the web site for a long freaking time :trouble: Luckily I haven't been an avid poster in quite a while though :woo...
  9. C

    Seven years and all I got for it was this AWESOME life!

    Hello Fellow DJs, This veteran poster, comic_relief, signing in and reporting in on how my life has gone since I began posting here. I have hit a lowpoint in my motivation to get sh!t done. I am about to graduate from college and have to look back upon my life since sosuave and I...
  10. C

    LR: Girl X, I hadn't seen in years

    Hello all, It's me Comic_Relief and I haven't been around much since I was in a relationship for over a year. The relationship ended about a month ago. I just had my first date last night with this fiery red head. So a little background on this girl before diving in, I met her my freshman...
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  12. C

    any avid bicyclists on here?

    Hey yall, I'm looking for some avid cyclists on here since Francisco don't show up as much anymore :-( Anyone here do a lot of cycling? - comic_relief
  13. C

    "Oh you earned some points there"

    Hey everyone, I was just with a girl for a third or fourth date. We knew each other for years. Anyways, I can tell that she really wants to have me all to herself. So I just looked at her and said convo time: Me: "Oh you have to earn so many points to be my new girlfriend" ;) Her...
  14. C

    LR: Let's Just Be Friends

    This is an LR that I forgot to send over this way for your reading pleasure :-) Hello all, It's been a while, so if everyone remembers my last LR. I was with this Irish Red Head from Philly (Em). That went down the tubes at noon yesterday. I wasn't too bummed because I saw it coming, but...
  15. C

    Remove all doubt :)

    So, I was reading throughout the web site and I noticed a lot of people asking "Does she like me?" "How can I tell if she likes me?" ad. nauseum! I think this is appropriate time to tell a parable that can be applied to this type of experience. How to remove all doubt :-) I just...
  16. C

    LR: Getting Pissed off at old friends and finding new ones

    So alright, I'll do the time line. This new girl is a girl that I have been friends with for two years. we have been friends on and off. Wednesday - My good female friend that I have known as long as I dated my ex was talking with me on AIM about stuff and Convo Time: Her: "How are you and ex...
  17. C

    Chuck Norris and Philosophy

    Hey everyone, I was taking a test and was filling it out. One question said, "When was Hinduism created?" The answer is no one really knows, but I decided to be an ass. My answer was, "No one really knows, but rumor has it that Chuck Norris created Judism, Hinduism, and was the true...
  18. C

    Sosuave Cookbook

    Hello All, I would like to interest everyone in sharing their favorite cooking recipes that taste wonderful and can be made within the space of half hour or less. I have just started to cook a majority of my meals since I am living on my own now. I am wondering if anybody has some very...
  19. C

    Timeline and your evolution so far

    Hi everyone, I got this idea from another website that i am on. This is cross-posted. Everyone post their own timeline of your life 1987 - born 1989 - started playing video games 1990 - mental and physical abuse by brother circa 1995 - got held back from first grade 1996 - being bullied...
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    Happy 21st Birthday Comic_Relief

    Happy birthday to me happy birthday to me happy birthday dear comic happy birthday to me Happy 21st birthday comic_relief Look mom I managed to make it! alright back to your regularly scheduled program comic_relief