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  1. R

    Escalating and transitioning

    Hey guys, just a quick one ... Basically I've had this problem for a while now where I can set up a date no problems, sail through it all for a couple of hours doing whatever activity I chose for us to do with us both, but then when it comes to escalating things to a physical level it just...
  2. R

    Library openers

    Hey guys, just thought I'd ask what you guys like to use to disarm in a school/college library - sometimes it can be a challenge to open up a natural flowing conversation due to the environment you're in where you're supposed to be in a silent area, and the target is no doubt getting on with...
  3. R

    College @close

    First post on these forums but I've been reading all this sort of stuff for the past six months or so, but hi anyway. :) Okay today I opened a girl in the library (HB7.5/8.0) using my crap phone as a prop since hers was equally as bad so I did some negging and we had a laugh about how bad...