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  1. J

    She's over sensitive, wants "space". HELP!!

    Ok, here's one I am not sure how to deal with, partly because of the circumstances. I am 40. She is 42. We had been having a long distance relationship, with her living 4 hours away. It wasn't a problem at first, in fact she always came to see me, every chance she had. IL was high, she would get...
  2. J

    girl with high IL,Bf, likes drugs,she hates drugs,If i tell, will he become underdog?

    I have a HB7 I have been friends with since June. She has a boyfriend, they haven't been together long. She has shown interest in me lately. Such as coming out to help me around my ranch, calling at least every other day, sending me emails etc. At first i just thought, "yeah, yeah, whatever...
  3. J

    Where do YOU go to find woman to mack...and drawbacks? looking for ideas here...

    Ok Got a question for ya all! where do YOU go to mack on women? Needing suggestions here!!! I'll tell you why I ask. I am 40 years old. So college campus hocus pocus is out for me. I already have my degree. Have tryed the internet thing thru messenger etc, but very high percentage...
  4. J

    URGENT! Another DJ is stealing my do I fight back???

    The advice I need is simple. I am 40 years old. I have been seeing a single mom for about 4 or 5 months now. we get along good. We have had our share of disagreements, and stuff, but we always,get over it and work it out. Usually I am fair, firm and consistent, which pays off. Not AFC or...