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  1. D

    Lasting longer during sex

    Yes, this more or less explains itself. I'm sure it has been asked millions of times, but this is probably the only question I have regarding relationships now. Apart from using performas (which I don't like) and maybe thinking of anything but sex, during sex, what has a guy go to do to last...
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    Leviathan - The Last Post You Will Ever Read

    Leviathan Definition A force deep inside of you, that can become powerful as to make your dreams come true before you, people look in wonder, and those around you, fall in love with you. Leave the site. Do not post anymore, do not read anything and do not ever, ever come here again...
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    Dangerous weapons - Techniques to get women to sleep with you

    While reading on the Internet, at 5.10am, I wanted to ask the following question: What powerful techniques can be used to get a woman to want to come home with you, and then sleep with you? I am probably going to get the "get your game going first!" and "talk to girls, and get your macking...
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    Am I a DJ?

    Hey. I don't know what's happened, but after years of doing this, I finally seem to be doing something right. Am I a DJ? Heres what has happened over the last couple of months: -Over the last 6 weeks, I have been out for coffee with 6 girls. -The girl at the coffee place knows me...
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    Just Be Yourself

    Just be yourself Yes I know. Before you say it. It’s on the frontpage of the site. Bad advice. Right? I was burned by a girl, a girl that messed with my head, and had my emotions take over me. We’ve all had one. For many of us it was the reason we came to this website. It was my...
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    Master file: Seven Laws - Remember these for instant action

    I've written something on Women that spans 80 pages. I've decided to post two parts of it on this forum. The other one is here: It's on John, the guy I learned a lot from. This one is about memory. One of the challenges...
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    Master file: John - A lesson from the ultimate DJ

    Hey everyone. I've wrote about 80 pages on girls. I would post it here, but it is too long a read. I'm going to post parts of it, say a page at a time and see what you think. The is the part is called: John See what you think. JOHN This is an account, written by me at about...
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    Got numbers NOW, going away for Christmas, how will she remember me when I RETURN?

    I've never had to deal with this before. This week I got 3 numbers. I'm off on holiday to another country in a couple of days, then have exams when I return. I won't be able to ask for any dates for about a month. A month! So what should I do? I had an idea to ring them near...
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    Fastest way of getting good with women

    I've gone out and done 5 approaches, and spent a night being taught by a a guy who is great with women. I'm looking to do more. My next objective is to get 10 rejections. I won't _try_ to get rejected, but the aim would be to get over my fear of rejection. The exercise is genius in a way...
  10. D

    The DJ movie thread

    Post your collections. Here's mine: Swingers Cruel Intentions The Tao of Steve The Thomas Crown Affair Dangerous Liasons Playing by Heart Nice Guys Sleep Alone Singles The Pickup Artist On the way: Don Juan DeMarco, 100 Girls and when Amazon gets stock in, How to be a Player...
  11. D

    What has HELPED you the MOST?

    I've watched movies and books on seduction, listened to hypnosis tapes, affirmative music and studied the subject on a regular basis through the Internet for a couple of years now. What has helped ME the most? Two things. And they aren't any of the above. The first was getting help off...
  12. D

    Setting up a Dating Group at school

    Good or bad idea? I believe that after my years of Sosuave, and many months of really getting in to seduction, I'm ready to set up a group to involve fellow DJs on a weekly basis. There _is_ a need out there, demonstrated by this website, and the cash men put down for expensive dating...
  13. D

    Things to do to make her want you

    Let's list some triggers of attraction. With your help, this should be a monster of a tips thread. Here's a few: Compliments. As long as they're sincere, and on something the girl is not usually complimented on, or is insecure about, they're deadly. Flattery goes far. If she's smart...
  14. D

    Devastating Opening Lines

    A few weeks ago I went out to chat up as many women as possible to get over my fear of approaches. I asked for the time, asked for help in shops, tried being friendly, being serious, asked for their names and, well didn't get anywhere. I got some interest, a few smiles, but nothing that...
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    To the Don Juans who have no fear of the approach

    How? How do you do it? Yes I know. I have to just DO IT. Philosophers have spoken and authors have written, yet the only proven method of conquering fear - breaking through that barrier - is to force yourself in to the situation, and keep doing it until the fear is gone. The question is...
  16. D

    Working in a women's clothes shop?

    I'm looking for some part-time work, and have a number of options available. One of them is a popular women's clothes shop where many young ladies shop (and also, work). For someone who is looking at new ways to meet and be around women, is this a good idea, or is it too extreme? Your...
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    Most Important Thing You've Learned?

    What is the most important, most helpful and most useful piece of information you've found? Mine was to maximise your looks. Expensive clothes, footwear, contact lenses, styled hair - whatever you need - are easy groundwork. That, and a strong upright posture. What about you? What has been...
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    Enticing first date options?

    I always find it hard to make a suggestion for a first date sound exciting, when the usual places to go and things to do consist of: - The Cinema: Most traditional, but also most overused first date. There's no little communication other than going to and from the film. They are likely to go...
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    Getting the attention of the sunshine girl

    You know the type. She's the girl with the looks and personality, that flirts with everyone (and I mean, everyone). I've encountered such a girl before. A few years ago I may have been easily manipulated and pushed into the wrong trains of thought about them. After all, their common habit...
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    Smooth or stupid?

    So I wanted this girl's number today: *10 mins of relaxed smalltalk; both of us sat down D97: What's your mobile number? (calm expression, looking directly at her) *She smiles, picks up her mobile phone in an uneasy manner *I pick up on that instantly, and say: D97: Can you not remember...