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  1. C

    Dating Troubles

    Hello Fellow Dons, Manly Men, and lady killahs, So I have a little problem on my hands. Well, let me start from the beginning. So I have been dating this girl for a couple months, we have gone on 4 dates and have hung out on numerous occasions, but last week when she told me she liked me I...
  2. C

    Am I ever going to have a good relationship?

    Hello fellow dudes, Dons, and womanizers, Am I ever going to have a good relationship? Or is it going to be a constant struggle of who gives less of a **** about the other person? Is there something as a mutually loving relationship? Or is it some fantasy Disney story we were breastfed when...
  3. C

    How to know if you have her attention

    Quick question to all the Dons out there, How do you get a girl to be 100% into you? And when do you know if this girl is the one for you? Also is it bad to date a girl who is constantly saying other guys are hot (is she just trying to be flirty ? or is she telling me I should end it?)\...
  4. C

    Dating troubles

    Hello fellow Dons, I am currently in a relationship with a girl I am crazy about. She is fun, exciting, and edgy. I love it. But the issue is that she seems like she has a bunch of underlying emotional issues. What I mean when I say this is, the typical my "parents didn't pay attention to...