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  1. AJHook

    To peace or not to peace...

    Saw gorgeous Egyptian girl. Walked up, was charming, we talked, got number, been dating for roughly 1.5 months...Anyway, to the meat and taters... At first things moved slowly with this girl, which I am ok with because she one of first girls I've met in quite some time that I'm really...
  2. AJHook

    No Facebook & Meeting Women; The Concept of Social Proof

    Greetings gentlemen, As a young prospective DJ machete-ing his way through through the jungle of dating and seduction uncertainty, I'd thought I would bring up topic of discussion which appears to me to be a new obstacle. As a 28 year old, I have been without a Facebook account for 3 years...
  3. AJHook

    Going Dutch. Feedback is valued...

    Greetings all! I've been reading on this forum for a while now and recently decided to join. This is my first post and I'm going to dive right in: I personally never, if only rarely, pay for the woman in the early goings. In some places, paying for the woman is the cultural expectation. In...