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  1. H

    If a girl asks how many partners you've had...

    If you're a virgin and a girl asks you how many sexual partners you've had, how should you respond?
  2. H

    Do you guys go to parties/clubs alone?

    I went out alone for the second time a few nights ago. It was uneventful, but I got drunk so I had a good time anyway. I tried to sit near groups of people who seemed more open to outsiders because I couldn't get a seat by the bar. I talked to a few people and surprisingly, this one hot girl...
  3. H

    I ****ing hate women

    New member here. No idea if this is the right section or if it's even relevant to this forum at all. I guess I just need to vent and any other forum I post this on would probably ban me because apparently free speech no longer exists on the internet. Anyway, I really ****ing hate women. I'm a...