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  1. B

    Does this mean she is cheating?

    I'm worried my girlfriend is telling me BS to hide something sexual. I'd appreciate others lending their female knowledge and their BS detecters. _____________________________ ***My Situation Yesterday:*** My girlfriend hadn't been interested sexually for a couple weeks. Yesterday when she...
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    I've been distant and irritable lately should I apologize?

    Lately (past week) when I've been with the girl I've been seeing (past 6 months) I've been irritable and distant. I think this has been causing her significant stress. Though she has done things worthy of irritation lately (what woman doesn't at times), my irritation has be...
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    Question about ex?

    Ok here is an easier to read outline: 1. I lost my job through no fault of my own 2. My Girlfriend has kids and moved her kids in with her ex, who is irresposible so she went to take care of the kids also. 3. She still has some mixed feelings for the guy from hate to strong feelings(a...
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    When do you give a girlfriend a 2nd chance?

    Last week my girlfriend got extremely wasted one night, and ended up making an ass of herself, and being extremely rude and insulting toward me, when we were at home. I told her I was leaving and probably not coming back. She asked a mutual friend to get me to call her yesterday. I talked to...
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    Problem regarding Long Distance Relationship

    I'm in a Long Distance(6hr drive) LTR. I was gone this past weekend on a trip across country. We talked on the phone the night before I left and everything was normal, we discussed how I was going to drive up and visit the next weekend(we usually spend two 3 day weekends together per...
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    Question regarding anatomy

    Would girl on top be anymore uncomfortable for a girl then other positions, with regard to well endowedness.
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    Is this a time to have a break up talk

    I've been seeing this girl for a couple months now as a girlfriend. She has been saying things lately making it seem like she is looking for problems in the relationship. Many of these things are totally unfounded like comparing something I do to a past boyfriend that was terrible and saying...
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    I think I might have a curse

    I've noticed that I do pretty well at getting girls to have some initial interest level in me, even without trying. But they always seem to lose interest proportional to how much interest in them I gain. Recently, someone of seemingly amazing interest level, just went cold a couple of days...
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    Question for tonight

    A girl I've been seeing, who is moving away soon, stood me up yesterday. I called her to make sure she was fine, and say it is rude and disrespectful to pull crap like that. She said she was feeling sick and fell asleep, which could be bull**** I wouldn't know. She asked me to call her...
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    High Interest Level Question?

    This might be an odd question, but I'm wondering if you guys have any pointers on dealing with a girl with a really high interest level. It seems wasteful to mess up something that is already going well.