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  1. S

    I have "changed"

    Over the course of the past fe months I have "changed" and I beleve it is for the best. For years and years and years all I have been about is school an work. However, I have come to realize that school has been keeping me from being the best I can. I have always had the though ever since I...
  2. S

    How do you get out there?

    I have been single for about 10 months and now I am ready to get out there and get another girl. I am open to anything whether its friends with benefits, a girl friend, or a one nighter(never done it). The problem is that I really don't know how to go about doing it. I don't know how to put...
  3. S

    dating mildly attractive women to increase confidence.

    I have social anxiety and it is something that I am working on getting rid of via counseling, it is affecting my self esteem and confidence. I get nervous around women that I find very attractive, for example, about a week ago I saw what had to have been possibly the most attractive women I have...
  4. S

    How do you over come your greatest insecurity?

    My greatest insecurity is that I sill live at home with my parents, even though I am in college and pay out of pocket I feel like at my age I should be farther in life that I am. My room isn't nice in any way, I live in the basment, which is unfinished and not nice in any. This is the one thing...