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  1. F

    Brawl at basketball game then I told my GF I want a break from her sh#t

    Hi guys. My relationship of one year has hit the rocks over the past 3 weeks - arguing constantly, trust issues, disrespect etc Today, me her and a few friends were at a bball game and my buddy's girl got hit on twice within the space of half time - two different guys approached them when...
  2. F

    GF showing signs of LI - my reaction.

    Before it was annoyingly high, constant attention wanted and given, never disrespectful, stuck to plans etc. A year into the relationship, I can see the trend changing. For the past fortnight, she messages back several hours later, doesn't care if I call at night, and canceled our last two...
  3. F

    GF wants to go away for a week - I said no

    My girlfriend rang me and said she's going away for a week. I said where, she replied I don't know. I asked with who, she said I don't know who's coming. I then asked if you don't know why do you want to go and she said because my college organized it and I want to go away and have fun for a the...
  4. F

    Kissed my ex's friend but now we're back together

    I broke up with my girl for a couple of months and during the break up I kissed one of her friend's. Now I'm back with her and I don't think her friend knows yet. I'm unsure if she'd tell my girl if she heard I'm with her. Now I want to be proactive. I know, I was single when I did it but...
  5. F

    Struggling to maintain NC

    I have unfortunately had three nights of dreams about my ex in a row shortly after seeing her cousin the other day. I had maintained NC for a couple of weeks and it seemed to be getting easier but I feel like I'm losing control now. She is in my head almost 24/7 and now since having dreams...
  6. F

    She broke NC with a lame text

    Dated a girl for 6 months and broke up because her family didn't approve of me. Not all family members but her parents are big racists and told her that she's out of the family if she doesn't end it. She still didn't end it even though it was done because she was distraught and I asked her to...