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  1. B

    The sudden pullback - how do you deal with it?

    Met a chick and we decided to go out. Date 1: On our first date we held hands and made out at the end of the date. There was a good amount of texting going on (initiated by her, which I kept to a minimum as to avoid being text buddies and having nothing to talk about on the next date)...
  2. B

    Raising Interest Level/Recoving from Low Interest

    Would like to know people's experience in how to best re-raise interest level from a woman whom showed high interest (70-85%) in you previously but now seems to be displaying low interest (51-65% let's say). Scenario is quite simple, she kept staring, initiating small talk, asking if I would be...
  3. B

    Dealing with mixed messages effectively

    How do you guys deal with mixed messages effectively? A girl I've known showed interest, but at the time I was involved with someone. I managed to see her again with a group of friends, and she was perfectly happy with initiating and re-establishing kino in front of our friends, dancing etc...
  4. B

    Second Date No Kiss on Close

    Okay, so had successful first date, and got a second date during which I didn't really get any vibe from her to go for kiss close, but I did initiate heavy kino (small of back, arms, hands, legs, stomach) but all I was getting was slight bumping into me and open body language. After the second...
  5. B


    My first post so here goes. A few weeks ago, a woman from my work who had showed infatuation in me constantly kept following me like a lost puppy, finally asking if I wanted to go for coffee and we did. We hit things off and we exchanged contact details, she contacted me a few days later...