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  1. S

    Is this too extreme for real life? Watch this short film.

    A short film called "Dennis" The guy is a monster bodybuilder but STILL carries himself as an ultimate beta...the guy bombs with women and even skinny slacker-looking guys don't seem to respect him. Isn't lifting weights and developing a good...
  2. S

    The quest for real masculinity

    It wasn't until my 30s that I discovered the alpha/beta male dynamic, and though I've read about it, I have never quite figured out how to actually put it all together for my personal use. My dad is a good person, but beta to the bone. He hasn't been all that involved in my life, so although...
  3. S

    Letting dreams die. A beta male's story.

    Letting dreams die. As a happily married 40-year-old dad, I'm not interested in "becoming alpha" to attract women. I don't "flirt" with any women (not that I ever could) nor do I have any rapport with any women other than my wife...and I want to keep it that way. My concern is becoming "alpha"...