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  1. G

    If you don't have plates, what do you do it divide attention?

    What do you guys do to prevent yourself from getting too attached to one girl? I know it's easy to say hobbies ect, but even when doing them it's not hard to end up thinking about someone or wanting to text them. Without other plates to hang with it's hard to shut your mind off.
  2. G

    Do some girls just love pain/drama?

    I am noticing some girls seem to like to stay in situations full of pain and drama. Either because of Family or friends or exs. I can see some of them with the option to get out of it all and start some things over yet they just want to stay there and *****.
  3. G

    Make out with another girl in front of the one you like good/bad?

    Title says most of it, if there is a girl you are interested in, would making out with another girl in front of her be a good or bad thing? Anyone ever done that with success?
  4. G

    Told a friend she still likes me but..

    Was dating a girl for about a month, had feelings for, first in 3 years. She ended up ghosting on me mostly, we chat now and then but she rarely responds to a text message or it's 1 day or 2 later. I can see her trying to avoid/ignore my FB posts, but I see her at the bar often and she is...
  5. G

    Ever get tired of plates?

    Had one girl over Tuesday and one Wednesday and honestly it left me a bit sad. It was their ideas to come over and netflix and chill but I have no emotional connection to them and the random hookups just make me miss an actual connection even more. Anyone else feel like this? Maybe it's my...
  6. G

    How many go clubbing solo?

    I tend to do it a lot, sometimes I have luck sometimes I don't. I would rather go with a friend but my options are limited. What do you girls think about guys who go out solo?
  7. G

    What do you think about girls taking the lead?

    Good, bad? Let them? fight them? Some girls are really passive others can be a bit more strong willed. I tend to ask them a bit too much what they want to do, which starts to show some AFC behavior
  8. G

    I literally did every one.. Ha awesome, that's what happens after a 2 years of banging drunk chicks then you finally find one you like. Wow. What an AFC..
  9. G

    Upstate NY, ready to go back out for plates

    I am in Rochester, but Syracuse/Buffalo work fine also.
  10. G

    Do Women ever tell you when they are not interested?

    Ever have them come out and say it or is it always some excuse as to why they can't see you or hang out ect. I think I have only had one girl tell me that she did not love me anymore and just was not happy in the relationship. The others just come up with random excuses.
  11. G

    Fear of rejection really sucks

    Been going through things in my head and I am a typical Nice guy most times, or at least when I am trying to impress someone. The girls I want I never seem to say what I really want because I am scared I will offend them or piss them off or create some sort of rejection. Basically I walk on egg...
  12. G

    Should you show your emotions?

    Should you show a girl or tell them about emotions like saying you're lonely or you want to cuddle ect? I know we all have emotions but some of the softer ones I feel people look down on as weakness. Especially if you are just getting to know a girl.
  13. G

    Screwed up being too nice, now what?

    Only about a month in and I can already feel her getting a bit bored. Been a while since I had a girl I cared about so I was a bit too available and helpful. I think she is starting to miss understand the niceness as weakness because that is the only side she has seen of me. Anyway to back...
  14. G

    Is it wrong to want to just be single?

    Currently with a gf that I am not 100% into, just not good at saying no and she asked me out. Sometimes she is fun, mostly just sex and drugs, not the life I want to stay in. Not much in common, gets clingy. Also recently my ex that drove me to this site has broken up with her BF and seems...
  15. G

    Are you happy with yourself?

    Really think about it, are you really happy with yourself or are you pretending to be to get someones attention. No reason to lie to yourself. I believe some of the most chased after men are ones that are really happy with themselves, not super ****y, girls see that after a while. But ones...
  16. G

    Women are crazy!

    Well we all knew that. Just felt like venting, been spinning a few plates and I have made it clear to them that there is no chance in hell I am going to be committed, they even refer to me as a toy, which I am fine with. But I feel it goes in one ear and out the other, I can see their...
  17. G

    How many girls want to "Sow their oats"?

    Been thinking about this for a bit with my ex. Wondering if part of why she dumped me is she wants to "sow her oats" and go out and have fun. She never seemed like a girl that would do that but she does live with someone who basicly slept her way through Europe and talks about it literately...
  18. G

    Online vs Real life quality?

    Just wondering what you guys think of the hotness of women online vs bars/clubs ect? I just browse online sometimes and have noticed there are not many good looking girls. But out at a bar I seem to see more, they are also dressed well to go out, where online a lot of times it is random...
  19. G

    Delete pictures after a breakup?

    What has your experience been after a break up with pictures on FB? If you were dumped or if you dumped them did either of you delete all of the pictures? If not why?
  20. G

    When a girl takes a bit to get back to you

    If you text a girl say at like 10pm, and you are pretty sure she read it because you could see her get in FB using her phone, but then does not respond until the next day, a few hours after they are up and already at work. Was just a simple hey, hows things? Why do they wait so long?