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  1. D

    Ashamed because you messed things up?

    Forget about it. If you messed things up with a girl you should have nexted her anyway. A lot of times when I am nexting a girl I really like, I do so in a chumpish, wishywashy way that probably makes me look terrible. But I next her. I don't sit around and put up with BS, games and...
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    Correlation of Crazy Hair Colors with Mental Disturbance

    This question may have been recently asked and if so my apologies. But has anyone noticed that women with wildly colored hair (eg. purple, pink) tend to be much crazier even than the general population of females? Is this a narcissist thing? Sure seems like a great way to attract attention...
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    Who Really Controls the Dating Game?

    Look around on POF and similar sites-- POF is good because of the yes/no/maybe feature that lets you quickly select people based only on a few photos-- and ask yourself how many of those women you would even consider dating. For me it's about 3% if that. Probably 75% of those, I would...
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    Pulling BPD Back In

    I have read a number of threads about BPD and I am absolutely sure that my latest lovely disaster is B Cluster, most likely BPD. I suspected it weeks ago and it was searches on that subject that brought me here. Now I am no longer mooning after her. I am now quite pissed and feeling cold...
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    Explain the Hamster?

    Gents, I understand most of the jargon used here. But can you explain to me exactly what you are referring to when you talk about the woman's hamster brain? Are you talking about the part that really isn't all that intelligent but makes many of her decisions for her based on short term interest?
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    Breaking NC From a Position of Strength

    In situations where you do want to break NC and you are ready to do so (proper frame, etc) what are some subtle methods for doing so in such a way that you will end up in a position of strength? In the past I've crafted compact messages that LJBF them (offering a chance for friendship but only...
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    NC After Awkward Weekend, Interrupted AFC

    I had a bad weekend a week ago with a girl I've known for a while but only recently met. We didn't do well in a couple of ways, it was sort of complicated. She pulled something manipulative, just friended me and I told her I wasn't interested in that but I was waffling back and forth about it...