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  1. B

    Bad day at the Gym

    I am fairly new to going to the gym. Used to be really unfit but got to the point over a few weeks where I could run a mile at a decent pace. However went today and got tired after running about half that! Its not just that my muscles were tired, I was out of breath too and it was just really...
  2. B

    Time Heals....

    Ask yourself a question. How do you feel when: -You have just had a relationship end -A 'prospect' has just LBFD you -You have realised that you are never going to get the girl that you have been lusting after for weeks. Pretty bad right. The feelings can be quite intense and such...
  3. B

    Strip Clubs

    I was just reading another post that tangentially touched on strippers and strip clubs. I was interested to know what people think about them. I mean in terms of: Do you think they are good places to go? Or are they more frustrating than fun. How about the girls working there? Just honest...