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  1. U

    My Most Important Rule for Any A.F.C - Dealing with Rejection

    No player in the history of baseball has ever batted 100 % in his career. Likewise, no player in the history of the game has ever picked up 100% of the women he's tried to get with, every single one of us has had to deal with the dreaded two letter word "No". I believe this MUST be the most...
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    What caused YOUR breakthrough with women?

    Just thought I'd start this thread to learn some more about possible things to improve on so I'll have a more "rounded game" rather than just relying on my body language and strong flirting skills when it comes to women. I'd like to hear what other people have done that really caused there...
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    My Personal Keys to Pickup

    This is my first post on an online pickup forum but far from my introduction into the art of pickup. I've always have been the type to find solutions to my problems rather than have them bother me and 4 years ago i discovered SoSuave after going through puberty than through a few years of...