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  1. F

    Why girls love A**holes

    As some of you may know TimothyDelaGhetto a.k.a Traphik ( famous youtuber) ,he just posted a recent video on why girls love A**holes and it pretty much sums up on what is taught here. It's pretty much basic stuffs but it was surprisingly good and entertaining. Highly recommend to watch it, my...
  2. F

    What exactly is " Making a move "

    Been lurking on this site for awhile and I've learned many valuable things which not only significantly improve my interactions with women but also more importantly opening up a whole new perspective in life. But one thing that I often ponder on is what exactly define "making a move"? It's...
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    Best way to respond to an apology after flaking?

    Long story short we agreed to meet up and on the day I tried to reschedule it to 2 hours later than the time we agreed on but she didn't reply back to me. It's been like 3 days and she finally replied with an apology + excuses. So now what do you guys reckon would be best way to reply? 1 - no...
  4. F

    Chick trying to friendzone me?

    So this chick wanted to get to know me better so she asked me to meet up with her which I agreed to. We talked about alot of things well mainly her but the thing is she mentioned to me some really deep stuff. Well we talked about how the year 2011 was terrible and she mentioned it sucked because...
  5. F

    Never tell a chick you like her

    Had a semi oneitis with this one girl, so i tried to be smart and sent her a message that i liked her but i wont pursue her because it would've made it awkward between us and ruined our friendship. She replied with "I appreciate so much the good friend you were to me back there. I also...
  6. F

    How to know if you're in the friend zone?

    So yeah this is my first post but i'm not really new here,i've just been lurking around. Anyway there's this newish chick(HB G) in my school(international student from spain) and i really like her so i made my move and starts flirting with her. The thing is i'm not too sure if she's flirting...