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  1. N


    I've been around the site for a good 2 years now, and I've learned a lot. Not only about women, but about myself. I learned to actively seek exactly what it is that I want. I have come to realize what I'll do as a career based on the confidence that this site has taught me to have. I am...
  2. N

    Tomorrow is the day...

    I have just finished reading the 95 page long document, Weapons of Mass Seduction. ( I believe I have everything I need to close the deal with the most attractive girl I've ever laid eyes on, and tomorrow, I will do so. For those of you who read my...
  3. N

    Getting told off..

    Today, a girl who I've never talk to told me off. Let me elaborate on why this happened.. Near the end of May, I got with a girl, which you can draw your own conclusion to. Anyway, this girl wouldn't stop calling, instant messaging, etc. She said she had gotten a friend of hers to agree to...
  4. N

    The Psychology of Attraction

    (This is something I am doing for my Psych class, if you find something to be false, please bring it to my attention) Rules of Attraction Question: What do women find to be most attractive about Men? Hypothesis: If a Man is confident when interacting with a woman, then she will find him...
  5. N

    Need Quick Advice

    Ok, a fast break down of the past week. Prom is coming up in about a month and 1/2 and I was convinced that I should go. I was talking to this girl my friend likes (we'll call her Christine) and she said her friend (we'll call this one Chelsea) didn't have a date for it. This girl is pretty...