Search results for query: college/

  1. CornbreadFed

    Girls value emotional orgasms over physical orgasms

    I think guys who struggle with women fail to realize this. They see everything as physical and external, completely neglecting the internal and emotional aspects. Raw physical attractiveness will get you one-night stands, a lot of failed first dates, and a smoldering relationship at best. If you...
  2. D

    About this 9/10 girl

    Yeah yeah whatever next time I need help here or when I do an effort post once my game is refined I will write better jeeze I'm just not used to these old ass forums.
  3. B

    About this 9/10 girl

    Brother. Might I suggest. The Enter key. You're in college man, cmon...Jesus Christ.
  4. SW15

    Video on why nightlife is dying

    Some of this was going on in 2004-2005 when I was 21-22. It's likely gotten worse since then. If someone did start in the early 2010s, then that would be a common perception. I turned 21 in 2004. I noticed some changes in the overall mating environment between 2004-2005 and 2011-2012. I don't...
  5. FlexpertHamilton

    Video on why nightlife is dying

    I noticed a decline in nightlife even before Covid, and thought it was a problem unique to my city. But I saw RooshV writing about the same thing as early as 2017 or so, which is about the time I started noticing it, and was really cemented after travelling and moving and seeing how ubiqitous it...
  6. SW15

    No motivation from dating anymore?

    In general, 29 is be a better age to be than 40. The typical 29 year old has easier access to younger women than the typical 40 year old. The typical 29 year old is most likely to be dating 24-29 year olds. The typical 40 year old is going to struggle to attract women younger than 33-35. Rollo...
  7. SW15

    How to maximize the amount of dates you get

    I have observed more and more white collar working environments being more sexually sterile than sexual hotspots. The broader data set has shown that fewer couples have been forming in workplaces since the 1990s. This has been my long time viewpoint on trying to seduce co-workers. It's...
  8. SW15

    Video on why nightlife is dying

    This was mentioned in the video. Inflation is a macroeconomic issue more than a mating environment issue. Inflation is the #1 issue right now. What you're describing is more of a microeconomic reaction. Microeconomics are important and interesting. In a basic introductory level economics...
  9. SW15

    Who is best Day Game pickup artist?

    That's how I perceived daygaming when I first started to learn how to daygame. I read Roosh's "Day Bang" very soon after it was published in September 2011. In 2011-2012, I had zero experience with what it is considered pure daygame. At that point in life, I had been in the mating environment...
  10. Hamurabimbi

    How to maximize the amount of dates you get

    I have a high-earning professional career and have been doing this kind of stuff for years. Most Work environments are sexual hotpots. Yes. There is a risk. A few years ago. I was dating a coworker, and, for a variety of reasons. it became the Talk of the Town. We were known as the ‘Power...
  11. Solomon

    How to maximize the amount of dates you get

    This is terrible advice if you have a high-earning career(or are trying to move up in a company to earn one) this is guaranteed to get you fired. Unless you plan to work a job short term at McDonald's/Grocery store/Amazon or something like that i.e. college kid home for the summer, 2nd job for 6...
  12. SW15

    The importance of height for men

    I think I can add some insight into the timeline on this. I topped out at 5'10" in 2000 when I was 17. In dating from ages 17-25 as a 5'10" person, height seemed to be less of an issue than it became by my late 20s and beyond. While I was in college from 2001-2005 as an 18-22 year old, my...
  13. Bokanovsky

    Anyone work or live in saudi arabia?

    He was also probably a closeted homosexual, like many men in Saudi Arabia, which may explain why he was so keen to "mentor" you. While islam treats homosexuality as a mortal sin, that only applies to open homosexuality. If you keep it on the DL and do it behind close doors with your cousin, the...
  14. Pierce Manhammer

    Learning How To Be Charismatic

    As I’ve always mentioned before a competitive public speaking community college class is always a good place, in many of them you are scored on connection with your audience (class), your ability to persuade and convince people of things. Which is a lot of the result of charisma. You can also...
  15. S

    Learning How To Be Charismatic

    I used to have a lot of difficulty interacting with people. I was very shy and insecure when I was younger. This problem persisted throughout my school and college years. I've been self employed since I was 18, and work from home, so "work" didn't provide any opportunity to improve my social...
  16. O

    What is the worst case of oneitis you ever had?

    I am sure everyone here has atleast fell to this dreaded disease once. I would say it has happened to me 3X in my life. However, the worst was in high school (mid 90's) Word got back to me the end of my sophomore year that my attractive classmate (long blonde hair, green eyes, big chest) whom...
  17. Solomon

    How the decline in casual dinning parallels a man’s struggles in modern dating

    I've noticed on this forum people tend to generalize because it's politically correct or push back because since they do not see someone like @BackInTheGame78 for example IRL have that success they think it's cap so it's easier to call Bull**** or project. Empirical evidence does not factor in...
  18. C

    Who is best Day Game pickup artist?

    Roosh is absolutely woeful. Hard to come across as more awkward and socially inept as him, and he doesnt have the looks to get him out of trouble. Paul Janka wins of course, but then can you really call it 'game'? I mean, he walks up too a girl, asks her name, make a comment on the college she's...
  19. D

    About this 9/10 girl

    It was via text, we know each other from some classes on College, anyways i usually just text her either to ask her something about college since despite being hot she is pretty nerdy, or to ask her out so very sparingly, anyways like two days after the date i texted her that i was going jogging...
  20. BeExcellent

    How the decline in casual dinning parallels a man’s struggles in modern dating

    My friend in Vegas, who has been a friend since we dated in college, has always had magnificent people skills. I've known him since we were both 21. Before Vegas, before marriage, etc. Over 30 years. So much more than a "social connection". I think that he also has kink inclinations that he...