Recent content by TheAvoider

  1. T

    PUA lit depresses me: Girls only reward evil?

    What a tragedy that the blind watchmaker wired women to gauge a mans reproductive value based on the degree of his disinterest....also, that it wired them to be completely incapable of realizing this. ''Just be yourself and express your feelings openly, thats how you get girls''. Game/pua...
  2. T

    rejected women have it better than rejected men

    This, combined with the emotional support most women receive is exactly why rejection, in the long term, leaves less of an imprint on women than on men. Most women also have more options, so they have validation coming from other sources.
  3. T

    rejected women have it better than rejected men

    Have you seen the stuff most guys do for women they like? The studies suggest it's men, not women, who take the longest to get over breakup. Consistency is not a female trait.
  4. T

    rejected women have it better than rejected men

    You're one of the few people I've seen bring this up. Have you ever watched that lecture from Steven Pinker on violence? Excerpt: ''Worldwide, the number of deaths in interstate wars has fallen from more than 65,000 per year in the 1950s to fewer than...