Recent content by The challenger

  1. T

    Ok, maybe I am not getting it...

    I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT IS GOING ON IN UR HEAD, and i no the SOLUTION right now when ur convoing it up, ur in a secure place where both u and the girl are comfortable and like each other but ur afraid that if u make a move ul be entering uncharted territory and u might lose control and ul **** up...
  2. T

    rejected from college...

    FOOOOOOOOOOL!!! college is nothing, i just got rejected and have to go to my safety school. listen, alot of AMAZINGLY succesful people such a DONALD TRUMP and EINSTEIN didnt graduate from a "super good college". its all about 1 thing, and thats ur drive to achieve if ur drive is strong enuf...
  3. T

    going crazy? u might have to much spare time

    yo iv noticed comp and tv make ur look alot worce and make u ALOT sleepier. iv been on the comp more often lately (i no its bad >< i dont want to but grrr im goin though weird **** right now) and iv become ALOT ALOT ALOTTT less energetic and im sleeping in classes again before when i barely...
  4. T

    Get motivated and TAKE CONTROL!

    one of the most important posts iv seen. shud be put into bible
  5. T

    going crazy? u might have to much spare time

    ^ ur right TV AND GAMES ARE HORRRRRIBLE. almost 100% useless but quick question. did u just start getting into the DJ community? cause for me i really cant learn much more from reading. I have reached the point where i can only really learn and improve from the feild. be aware guys, u may...
  6. T

    going crazy? u might have to much spare time

    ^ yep sports are great for it
  7. T

    going crazy? u might have to much spare time

    ok lately i was gettin a lil crazy, it can be described as extreme restlessness. I either really wanted to be with a girl (horny), or had a crazy hunger for violence. This kinda ruined my stability. I kept doing stupid things with girls, such as sending a emotional message which was totallllly...
  8. T

    It takes 21 days to break a habit: 21 days no masturbation: The 3 week plan w/options

    oxide i like ur open attitude and kewl feedback hmmm im honestly thinking "its diff for everyone" so **** this thread, im gettin benefits maybe u guys wont, its ur problem
  9. T

    It takes 21 days to break a habit: 21 days no masturbation: The 3 week plan w/options

    ^ luv ya man. finally someone using logic... observe fools, observe
  10. T

    It takes 21 days to break a habit: 21 days no masturbation: The 3 week plan w/options

    ..... believe me when i say that your body CAN tell the difference between sex and masterbaiting listen YOU know its not real, dont u think ur body knows too? there have been alot of recent studies and books published that prove that your conciousness can actually affect your body. This is...
  11. T

    Post 5 random tips.

    ^ ahahaha i dont think he gets that, u can follow these tips, AND do ur own thing O.o
  12. T

    It takes 21 days to break a habit: 21 days no masturbation: The 3 week plan w/options

    actually there has been a study on sex and baiting and its found that the determental effects from baiting aren't present AT ALLL when u do real sex (cant find it but its out ther somewhere and has been mentioned on this board b4) Weak_game also suggested that sex and baiting have totally...
  13. T

    It takes 21 days to break a habit: 21 days no masturbation: The 3 week plan w/options

    @ Lower testo after working out- hmmm il believe u on this one and now that i think about it i am definitly alot less aggresive right after a workout. i thought i was just tired or something, but it might be cause of the lack of testo, interesting. @ cancer reducing- if you guys are so...
  14. T

    It takes 21 days to break a habit: 21 days no masturbation: The 3 week plan w/options

    ^ more proof. i think the only reason there is an argument over this is because people are in denial. they know stoping will be hard so they go the easy route and to prevent themselves from feeling like **** they say "its good for u" "animals masterbate!" when in reality these excuses have...