Recent content by TekPh0bia

  1. T

    "Date" Report

    Well, if you read my last "date report" you know that it was rather bad. I met another girl on a singles site and we chatted for a while. I got her number in a few minutes, but haven't had time to call her. I ran my car into a tree (long story, tree fell in front of me), so I wanted to...
  2. T

    FR: Online to Offline

    So I just get off work and I'm just messin around online. GMail notifies me that I have a new message from someone on We exchange a few messages back and forth (so I'm sure it's not some porno spam) and I get her Yahoo name. I IM her and proceed to see how fast I can get her...
  3. T

    Date Report (Hardly)

    I think that sums it up. Granted, I've had relationships, but they've been long-term, so the whole dating thing is kinda new. Note to self: STOP FVCKIN THINKING SO MUCH! Seacrest out...
  4. T

    Date Report (Hardly)

    To clarify, I was bummed AFTER the meeting. I went in feeling good, confident, but when she did 98% of the talking and occassionaly asked me a question, I started to feel alpha. Just need to socialize more.
  5. T

    Date Report (Hardly)

    Thanks for the insight, guys. I was really bummed last night, to be honest. It wasn't her, it was was me. It seemed like I was asking questions. I would listen to her talk, pick out details and work with them. Perhaps there was too much listening and not enough talking. Also, the idea...
  6. T

    Date Report (Hardly)

    Synopsis: Girl "winks" at me on some personals site, I reply back, we spend a few hours talking on AIM and eventually set a date to meet. She lives about 40 miles from here, so I agreed to meet her up there. Sad to say, it was the typical cliche'd date; dinner and a movie -- only it was...
  7. T

    The breakup - Vince's pickup

    Are we forgetting something? It's a movie!
  8. T

    A Date Without IL?

    Hey guys... I was going to go into the date with a "I don't care what happens" attitude. I'd definitely amp up the kino, tease her. Yes, I said "was." About 15 minutes before the "date" she msg'd me and said, "I feel like crap and I'm going home. Then I'm going to bed. I'm sorry."...
  9. T

    A Date Without IL?

    Quick question: Is it unreasonable for a girl to agree to a lunch "date" without some interest? I managed to score this girl's phone#, and after some chatting, she said she's not ready for dating again and shouldn't have given me her number. I let that go for about a week and stopped into her...
  10. T

    American Women - why so wacked??

    Best. Line. Ever!
  11. T

    Girl Birps in front of you...

    You're kidding, right? Ever thought that maybe she just wanted to burp? Anyways, I just say, "...wipe your chin."
  12. T

    FR: WTF Happened To Me!?

    Well, I called girl from deli just a few minutes ago. The conversation was quick (< 5 minutes) and funny. She was all giggly... I said I was going to grab a game of mini golf tomorrow (Sunday) and would like her to join me. Apparently her family are having their Thanksgiving dinner Sunday...
  13. T

    FR: WTF Happened To Me!?

    I feel a strong urge to write something.... Firstly: Lately, I've been going to this one particular deli for coffee. When I first went, my eyes were immediately drawn to the girl behind the counter. She was short and gorgeous (HB-who-gives-a-fvck). I made an effort to talk slow and cool...
  14. T

    Best Show ever. Keys to the VIP

    Kyle's line was mint: "I'm so embarassed...I almost wore the same thing." *Brilliant*
  15. T

    Your Teeth

    Hmm...growing up poor, lack of responsibility has resulted in my teeth broken off at the gum line, or near it. Suicide is looking sweeter every day...