Recent content by t0mCaT

  1. T

    Feeling depressed, having selective perception, is this relationship failing?

    Or maybe I'm just having a ninny moment. Story: Been with girl for two years. Thought I had a good thing going. It's been amazing... until recently. See it started off as a LRD- though we still saw one another every week and chatted on the phone almost everyday, at varying durations. Anything...
  2. T

    Attitude and mindset prob.

  3. T

    Attitude and mindset prob.

    What I'm very happy about in this relationship of mine is just how gorgeous my girlfriend is. A definite 10. Ultimately, that's now also the cause of my worry. We've been together for almost two years now. Lately (say, 3-5 months) we've been getting more serious. Mostly in all senses. And I...
  4. T

    Invited a chick to go see a movie; she didn't come

    Thinking with your stomach, aye? That's good. Now act on it. Don't overthink it. If you wanna eat out, go for it. Stop waiting on us to tell you how to do everything. Prom? Oh, that's so sweet :-P White tie and white shirt with black suit is really in this season! Remember that. You say...
  5. T

    Anyone read this seduction ebook? It says DO NOT make small talk with a girl

    James Bond doesn't make small talk ^_^ I like small talk - I like all kinds of talk. Talking is fun, talking is free. Girls are fun to talk to (usually). If I can't close, at least I had a talk. :D From what I've read here this guy posted his own experience. I'm assuming it worked for him, so...
  6. T

    The Official smoothest lines thread

    Are you on drugs? :-P
  7. T

    Help me with Mission: First Kiss

    Mystery Method Kiss Close? :-P
  8. T

    For those of you getting started. Heres a way to massively increase your results.

    masturbating is a tough issue. If you start a yes/no poll on whether or not guys should jerk it - you won't get a unanimous vote. Masturbating is bad - if not done in moderation - and if done while watching porn. If you say it killed your drive, I'm giving it a 90% probability taht you jerked...
  9. T

    Craziest chick I've ever met...

    Exactly. :-P Never know what you might catch. But he didn't come here for a lesson in morals or ethics. Use protection - for your own safety.
  10. T

    Craziest chick I've ever met...

    What's the problem? Sounds pretty simple to me. I think you could do almost anything at this point - except bore her - and you'll get her. use protection...
  11. T

    Bad bad bad...

    Thanks :-) So just need to resume being my normal self again? *sigh* Been so long since I felt like this. A few years ago I'd apologize and apologize and kiss ass till there was no ass left to kiss. Ok, I'll just let it slide and learn from it. :-)
  12. T

    Bad bad bad...

    I screwed up. Got so insecure yesterday cause I found my gf talking quite a bit to some guy. I knew this guy liked her... everyone knew that... I confronted her with it and she got really upset that I didn't trust her. Then to top this short sad story off, I branded myself a bit of a Loser by...
  13. T

    Feeling so bloody insecure.

    1 1/2 year relationship. Everything was great... then I changed. I'm not sure where the fvck these new emotions came from - but I'm suspecting they went latent a long time ago and emerged again now because my GF started a different College. So yeah, it's a bit of an LDR, though we still...
  14. T

    ******** Translation

    That's directly from the DJBible, you twerp. Pooks supplementary, page two. Or page 108 of the Dj Boot Camp. Friggin idiot hasn't bothered to the bible posts and yet he's already posting questions. She only wants to be friends with you.
  15. T

    Sex: Her first time...

    Well, that's a given. Though specifically I was wondering if anyone had anything to say about how she'll react to when her hymen breaks. In most cases, I think, hymens can tear though so little as the use of tampons. But her's hasn't yet. I'm assuming it'll be a tad bit worse for her... and...