Recent content by swat

  1. S

    Online Dating advice - PLEASE READ

    Ok, I have gone out with several girls from the internet/phone before and have had no success in a LTR. Here are some things I have picked up along the way.. Don't get too close too fast No matter how comfortable it may seem online, you cannot replicate what you would have if you were face to...
  2. S

    Would you be mad if....

    Wow.. this has been quite the unexpectedly long thread =)
  3. S

    Would you be mad if....

    Ralfus - that article pretty much sums it up. Rookie - I hope things work out for you, read this article - it'll save you a lot of future heartache, etc..
  4. S

    Would you be mad if....

    I guarantee she will be giving that guy head every single night in Hawaii. Want to know how to avoid caring about this? Find a better girl who won't ditch you for Hawaii. Is this insecure? Nope. Just showing a little self respect.
  5. S

    Would you be mad if....

    Oh yeah, remember that guys are never just friends. I don't care what the exception =) - this guy's playing hardball.
  6. S

    Would you be mad if....

    Sorry bud, but your girl apparently has a low interest in you as a person - otherwise she would have turned down this guy no problem. Avoid her like the plague, girls are NOT stupid, and if you go along with her little plan, you're nothing but a chump. She wants a reaction, don't give her one...