Recent content by SomeGuy

  1. S

    A Terrible Situation in my Marriage

    I agree with jonwon. Concentrate on your well-being first, the rest will come.
  2. S

    funny experiment - wow, women really suck at approaching

    I love that!!!! Reminds me of American Idol when people think they can sing. Sometimes people are just weird and have massive overblown selfconfidence. To top it off, women see things differently to men. But I also like the "got-to-be-in-it-to-win-it" mentality.
  3. S

    Valentines Day discussion thread (Merged threads)

    Everyone hates Valentine's Day...this is what happened to me today, I gave her a card I gave her a picture of us I gave her a box of chocolates she loves I told her "Happy Valentine's Day!" in return, she proposed. I am blown away.
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    Valentines Day discussion thread (Merged threads)

    What's all with the fücking whinging about in here? First of all if you have a girlfriend that doesn't appreciate you get a new one that does. Secondly, Valentine's Day is for both. I enjoy giving my gf something, and she gives me something as well. No big deal, no supplicating, I just...
  5. S

    The UK Thread

    if society is stiff, even better. All you gotta do is just talk to people about anything. Ask for directions, ask for the time, hell even ask the cute chick on the street is there's a cool cafe close by (you're new in town) a little inventive. You'll get the idea once they like you...
  6. S

    Lay report

    Sounds good, don't tell the world though Comment: a Gentleman enjoys, but keeps his silence.
  7. S

    How to tackle the club scene?

    I was like you once. I thought the people in clubs were posers, boring, and just out to pull other of the other sex. Well, yeah they are, but in a different way than I though. First of all, you should just go because you feel like it. I just order a drink and look at the people. Check out the...
  8. S

    To The European DJs out there and others who have travelled to Europe...

    German girls are too snobby. They don't like to be approached. They might be better once you get to know them, but as strangers they don't give you a chance. I live in Germany.
  9. S

    25 Key Rules For DJs

    Great work GC...but that first rule is something I never could understand. Got an example?
  10. S

    "Professional Dater": a definition

    "wounded bird" that's a lesson we both learnt the hard way.
  11. S

    Nice Guy or Jerk? Who Has More Potential?

    Women can kiss my personal arse. The one tonight wanted leather and whips. Aren't there any normal ones out there???? To bad she was rejected tonight. I like "nice" women. hehe, I might just leave this up, hehe st*ned and drunk ( though it was funny ) [This message has been edited by...
  12. S

    Nice Guy or Jerk? Who Has More Potential?

    10 Reasons Women (who aren't Heartless *****es!) Date Jerks Instead of Nice Guys - It's more fun to complain about them to her friends. - Guys who actually like her just aren't challenging or exciting. - When she does date nice guys, they turn into jerks anyway, so why not save time and go...
  13. S

    Wow! Completely called out on my own games

    The best comment I've heard on this yet.
  14. S

    Wow! Completely called out on my own games

    Just being the devil's advocate here, why not give her the upper hand then? Calm down on the games, and be a little more open. Play your cards like you want to win and lose something. That's the big test for and you. Will she stick around? Will she get bored of the game and leave you for someone...