Recent content by Somedude_UK_31

  1. S

    just a quick advice please

    I deleted this post...just so many -ve responses, come on people come here for advice not to get criticized.
  2. S

    a very controversial conclusion

    HAHA man that's amazing, I wish I could come up with such crazy witty lines!!! :yes: one day man one day!!!!
  3. S

    a very controversial conclusion

    I don't know if you are talking about me or not but regardless...Yeah man so what? I suck at getting girls, friends or gfs and that's why I'm here. At least I admit it hoping that some people will give me good tips, which some already have. You are more pathetic because you have time to come and...
  4. S

    a very controversial conclusion

    I think what this site doesn't clarify is that there's a a difference between picking up malls/clubs...etc girls and sophisticated girls. I think the advice on this site if good if you want to have fun, but I don't think it will work on a respectful educated lady. Tell me this, can you use the...
  5. S

    a very controversial conclusion

    So I think we can conclude this by saying that looks do matter a lot but being labeled good looking or ugly is really a perspective thing. Some girls might find you attractive and some might not. However, there are a few men (and women) out there that the majority would label good looking and...
  6. S

    a very controversial conclusion

    OK this is a totally honest question, no racisim... Can you explain how black guys get to score the hottest white girls? GIVEN that any survey of women on what they find attractive they pretty much list caucasian facial features.
  7. S

    a very controversial conclusion

    That would be me :cry: I only seems to be able to score pigs!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. S

    a very controversial conclusion

    Can we please see a pic of you bro? :) I mean I pump 5 days a week hard and look clean and I'm almost 6 feet tall but I can't get sh*t I'm starting to think I'm dillusional :(
  9. S

    a very controversial conclusion

    I agree with you my friend. If a girl has ONE quality she will have guys with multiple qualities chasing after her. She can have butt ugly face and short but has nice breats and boom...20 guys sucking up to her. My frustration is that I do NOT want to act like someone else to get a girl. I...
  10. S

    I got shot down and I hate it ;<

    OK I booked a dr appointment in 2 weeks so he can refer me to a shrink :o I also struggle when it comes to making friends :( I don't know how to make a friend to be honest. My social circle is zero. When I manage to go to a gathering I feel left out and feel like no one wants to talk to me...
  11. S

    I got shot down and I hate it ;<

    Hey yuppaz, Actually I didn't find that offensive at all, if anything it's such constructive replies that keep me coming back to this site so THANKS for your feedback man. I think that I "think" I'm happy with myself but I really am not and my actions show it :( I think my approval of myself...
  12. S

    a very controversial conclusion

    This is an intense post man, I always knew women were so cruel when it comes to judging. Men are WAY more caring when care really matters and counts. First time I experienced this was when one of my early ex gfs left me and I pretty much was miserable crying and on the verge of wanting to...
  13. S

    a very controversial conclusion

    Seriously it's like every girl, as long as she looks OK, not even hot, has an army of guys marching after her just waiting for her to snap her fingers so they could come drooling to her service. More than half the guys you see with girls are doormats for the girls they are with. Trust me guys...
  14. S

    a very controversial conclusion

    floydb25: I agree with you %100. A good looking guy who approaches they label him "confident" and "cute"...etc. A not so good looking guy approaching is "creepy" and "harassing". I've been through your experience as well, that's where I drew my conclusion. It's ALL about looks and I don't...