Recent content by SLY

  1. S

    why do i attract the fat and ugly girls???

    If I wanted to let a woman know I'm not interested. I would probably A) Stare off into space or act like I'm waiting for someone. B) Respond with one-word answers. But normally I just make small talk regardless of if I'm attracted to the chick or not. I treat everybody with respect...
  2. S

    why do i attract the fat and ugly girls???

    double post, ooppssssss
  3. S


    It's called Erectile Dysfunction Sounds like yours is more pyschological though.
  4. S

    Coffee Date - Need some advice

    The key to a good date is interaction. Whether it's at the carnival going on those crazy rides together or at the arcade playing her at a racing game. It's a sure way to break the ice. Conversation is limitless and not to mention an easier way to developing kino between you and the chick. And...
  5. S

    How to deal with a feeling of inferiority?

    I'm gonna get to the point. I think you feel 17 is because you look that age. But then your preception of what a man looks like might be different from some of us. And to me, you feel that you don't fit that description. You gotta work with what you have. If you look young just go with the...
  6. S

    "How to destroy a man in 30 days."

    If this guy is a player than most likely he will destroy her first.
  7. S

    Ditching a girl because she meets up with too many male 'friends'?

    What this guy said. But in my case I didn't walk away and had to learn my lesson this way :kick:
  8. S

    How to deal with a feeling of inferiority?

    Hey ChalengeGuyFan, Quick question...Do you look young for your age?
  9. S

    Dating your best pal's ex?

    Where's the honor among men? Just don't do it. You'll be regretting it once she breaks it off with you and then you'll be finding yourself with one less pal. Good friends are hard to come by. Don't put that pus$y on a pedestal.
  10. S

    I am noob, what do you get from this?

    I think she's just being friendly. These types even give out their numbers. I've met so many girls who are like this. I mean to put it in blunt, they are just that... friendly.
  11. S

    I'm officially over "looks" after seeing this couple.

    I've seen worst looking guys with hotter looking girls.
  12. S

    Girl Ive beed dating for 6 weeks is 45 minutes late and has not called.

    You shouldn't take a potential date to go shopping first of all...
  13. S

    Girl smothers you in bed - wont leave you long enough to breath!

    Or maybe she was hungry. Nah, i kid. Some girls just like to make out...i know the longest i've went was 3 hours straight. She just kept going and going. Was nice though, listening to incubus' "stellar" was the icing on the cake.
  14. S

    I give up. And it's not because I can't play the game.

    Special T, Don't give up. That social experiment you did doesn't mean anything. What you have done was checked out "Passive IOIs". Usually the real IOIs don't come later until you actually start talking to her. Get it? You seem to want to rely too much on your looks and not your game...
  15. S

    What's the most angry you've gotten over rejection?

    I've never gotten angry over a rejection. Usually a blow to my confidence but nothing I couldn't recover from.