Recent content by SilverSliver

  1. S

    Be careful: this is what you could end up with...

    The fact that she had a hyphenated last name should have been a clue. Way to independant to get ino a marriage. Let that be a lesson to all
  2. S

    Interesting Night

    I forgot to clarify, she has a kid who was in the other room who tends to just walk in, so sex right there was out of the question, otherwise I definately would have told her to "Come over here a sec" while I was on her bed. We did make out for a bit, but the wholde kid thing ruins it for her...
  3. S

    Dating A Survivor Chick.

    I have noticed she surrounds herself with a lot of controllable friends. I don't alk to her nearly as much anymore. We will have our little fights and I'll tell her to call me when she drops the attitude. Which she will in 2-4 weeks. The funny thing is I realized that she wants/needs me more...
  4. S

    Interesting Night

    I was out the other night with a few women at a birthday party, and an interesting thing happened. (Unfortunately no interesting sex though) We go to this restaurant and this one girl mentions how I was at her house the other day and she walks into her room in a robe from the shower (She lives...
  5. S

    Can't you attack from the "friend zone"?

    I have a habit myself of getting in the friend zone. I have found the best thing to do is the 1 2 Punch #1 Focus on all of her negative qualities in your own mind, which lowers your own interest level in her #2 Go find other people to date, when she calls tell her your busy for awhile...
  6. S

    ain't had sex since 2003. who can beat me?

    I asked a girl that once, "I ain't had sex in years can you beat me (off)" Can you believe it I got slapped :)
  7. S

    am i in the friendzone?

    I think sometimes it depends on the chick they want to hook you up with. I've been in the same situtation and they try to pass you off to some nasty worthless cow of a chick, thats obviously lower on the totem pole then them. I take that as more of a test then anything. I've used the line "I...
  8. S

    Dating A Survivor Chick.

    So what is your strategy in this situation?
  9. S

    Oil Drilling

    Thats true, a lot of the reason gas is as high as it is right now, is because a lot of countries subsidize it. I do think that it will go down after a while, society is giving the oil companies and speculators enough rope. All this whole thing does is fuel the search for alternatives.
  10. S

    Girl who talks about how she's fat even though she isn't...

    I think they are insecure and fishing at the same time. Usually I will ignore he first time, say they look alright the third, and tell them straight out to stop fishing the third time. I May have to drop the "You look fine" part though. Last chick I did that too was 145 or so should have...
  11. S

    What to do?/When do you know?

    Yeah I kinda was thinking of the same. Minus the friend, since I'll be downtown, and while I work for a company I work alone. I already did neg her a little. The first day she was dressed in this super conservative dress. She didn't really look all that great, Plus it didn't help that the...
  12. S

    did i come on to strong?

    MDMA is Methylenedioxymethamphetamine AKA ecstasy
  13. S

    Mythbuster Field Report Project: Pheromones - do they really work?

    Interesting story on this for me. I had a friend and I was an AFC chump. I tried to get with her off and on for 2-3 yrs at this point. This other friend of mine (a guy) bought some of this crap from adam and eve. He sprayed it on me for whatever reason out of the blue. Later on the female...
  14. S

    She LJBF me, I told her otherwise..

    There is one benefit to being "friends" and thats if she has a bunch of female friends. I wouldn't walk away from her right away. I said earlier "move on" basically thats cool if you don't want to fvck me but lets see who your friends are. Either you'l find someone else, she'll get jelous, or...
  15. S

    What to do?/When do you know?

    The status currently is she is on "Ignore". I am still somewhat interested, in her, but it's not the end of the world. I have a limit to my patience and when it's reached I have the ability to say scr3w it. She is the type that would be a good LTR though, which I wouldn't mind doing again...