Recent content by SideShow Bob

  1. S

    Alternative Method to Weight Lifting

    Hey, Has anyone ever heard of the theory (forgotten what it's called) to weightlifting where instead of doing alot of reps, only 3-4 are done for 1 set. Basically, the point is to hold the rep half or fully contracted for as long as possible, and then lower. So for a lateral should...
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    I've found action dates work, but only in certain situations. First of all, I've found that they work much better if it's just the two of you. A bowling double date, or group, does not normally work, and here's why. If she is really bad at bowling, for example, and is being upshown in front...
  3. S

    Ok she said I love you help

    Well , you're going to have to give more information... Are you actually dating? Are you LTR ? And of course, how do you feel about her ?
  4. S

    Just Remember It's About You

    Well it depends. Allow me to elaborate on my theory of not showing girls attention. Ever since I have started to try and implement the skills and confidence that this webpage has given me, I have found that the one surefire approach to getting a girl interested is to come across of having...
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    Just Remember It's About You

    As I read over the various threads on, I come across a disturbing trend. Amongst our ranks of newbie and aspiring DJs, there exists a sentimment by dozens of posters that life ain't worth living if you aren't getting *****. Several threads are dedicated to people who say that they...
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    not getting girls and starting to hate my life / how can I stop being so stupid?

    My friend, The average guy sleeps with 12.4 girls, meaning the last one is an amputee. Do you know what that means? It means that alot of people don't sleep with even 12 girls, let alone the 30 you call being low. So, chill out my man. You're life is fine. Peace
  7. S

    Should I next this girl?

    I'm going to offer a different perspective on this... It's possible that her interest is high, but that she's looking at you as a longer term thing, and may even be seeking the validation and opinion of a friend... If this is the case, or you suspect that the reason she's bringing a friend is...
  8. S

    How do you recover/remain DJ when you're feeling down/depressed?

    Do something cool. Rock climb. Bungee Jump. Anything.
  9. S

    Dating system, CANADIAN style

    Canada is a little bit different in my opinion. First of all, outside of the big 4 (Vancouver,Toronto, Montreal, Edmonton-Calgary) there isn't as much to do, so partying and drinking and sexing occur more frequently. You definetly need to be ****y/funny and come off as a jerk in these parts...
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    HELP!!!A New Alpha Male!!!HELP

    Alright. Enough. I lurked on this board for a bit before I started posting (actually, I went from being AFC to close to being a DJ by lurking on this board for the past few months..) so don't refute anything I say with "wow. look. you've only got a few posts. let me introduce you to my...
  11. S

    I feel so stupid! (Missed Opportunity)

    What you COULD do is walk up and down that street again and again hoping to see the girl..... OR You walk up that street once and approach the first girl you see, and get her number.
  12. S

    Is it too late for me to be seen as a DJ in my school?

    The best thing you can do to change your look is to get a girlfriend during the summer that goes to your school. During the first few months of school, be seen doing physical things with her in the hallways and stuff. Your image will do a 180 overnight.
  13. S

    how should i act when she talks about stuff shes done with other guys

    It depends on her intent. Is she trying to hint that she wants you to make a move phsyically? Is she complaining about her exes, in which case she's probably an emotional one that is bitter. Is she still in love with her ex? If so, next.
  14. S

    Pickups at the gym??

    Never Done It I've been going to the local community centre gym for a few years, and in that entire time have never even approached.... I go there to work out, and that's it. HOWEVER Interestingly I've had a few girls either approach me or check me out. SO My conclusion is that...
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    HELP!!!A New Alpha Male!!!HELP

    Don't Worry Don't worry. You're in grade 7~ What are you like 12 and already using KINO? In another few years you'll be like Pook or Adonis from the bible......