Recent content by Sicx

  1. S

    Best way to invite girls to your party?

    Yea i like to be straight to the point....basically something like "Pool Party at my house sunday, see you there ;) "
  2. S

    wed night date??

    99% of the times all my dates are on weekdays because of exactly that. I dont like to take up a friday or saturday night going on a date because i like to go out partying with friends instead, but no 1vs1 dates. Very rare exceptions have been known to be made though ;)
  3. S

    She says " I know the true meaning.."

    Ok so long story short ive hung out with this girl twice before and on our 2nd outing we chilled had some drinks and ending up kissing at the end of the night. So tonight i didnt have anything to do so i asked her if she wanted to come chill for a bit and maybe watch a movie or something...and...
  4. S

    So im starting to hear this more.....

    Basically the last couple of women that i have hooked up with have at some point mentioned something along the lines of "so are you planning on disappearing next week".......mostly implying that after sex i probably wont talk to them anymore. I feel like i dont give that vibe to them but for...
  5. S

    So I took a perfect 10 out last night...

    Vid or it didnt happen. lol j/k, i would congratulate you but im not really sure what to tell you about her coming back and wanting to stay with you.
  6. S

    she cancels on you without counter offer of another time. should u always next?

    Best thing would be to not text her for a week or so and try again after a week if you really want another shot....right now you may seem like your pushing too much and its not going well. Give it a week and ask her out again, if she deny's with no counter-offer....toss her.
  7. S

    So how do i find out....

    Any suggestions?
  8. S

    So how do i find out....

    Alright to make a long story short, a girl ive been hooking up with has brought up the point every now and then that she would be down for a threesome. Last time we hooked up, i mentioned something about what she was gonna get me for my birthday and discussion brewed about a threesome with one...
  9. S

    "you two should totally hook up"

    If you want a reason to go back to your place a good way to do that is for you guys to go hang out somewhere and then later on in the night if things are going well, u can straight up ask her if she wants to go chill at your place. You don't have to make up some weird way of getting her there...
  10. S

    photo of this girl

    Thats the answer you wanna go with.
  11. S

    she asks me if I had my v card

    For some reason i feel if a girl asks you if your a virgin and shes not....that she most probably is down to ****.
  12. S

    Need some myspace help

    IMO you lost when u mentioned she was beautiful.
  13. S

    Yes again...Hotornot

    Ok i searched for some old hotornot posts but couldnt find my answer. I want to know if anyone has purchased the 1 month subscription and what does it actually let you do? Can you message these girls who match with you? If they arent members also they cant message you back? How exactly does...
  14. S

    smoking and women

    Groovy - You think that way about the smokers because your 16 and people in your school probably think its "cool" to smoke.