Recent content by shayanjameel08

  1. S

    How did you propose

    Hi. I haven't been proposed to yet but I actually want that ,and I thought the proposal was very impressive for every one.!
  2. S

    Dating chicks at work

    Just try avoid her then? idk..I don't think flirting is very professional. I guess it just depends on the working environment though. I've been told off for giggling like a school girl cos it wasn't professional...!
  3. S

    Cheated on girlfriend, but want her back. What to do?

    The trust is lost to be honest. You can call her or send her a card telling her your sorry for your actions and hopefully if she finds it in her heart to forgive you.
  4. S

    Women say they can't figure me out..

    Yes Women are that hard to figure out, because if they say one thing its ok. but, if we say the same thing. its not ok. they also tend to say there going to do one thing but then do another and change there minds 50,000 times a minute
  5. S

    Is this the definition of a "regular" woman?

    Woman Is Someone That Haves Qualities (physically And Personality) That Most People Have, Which Is Why She Is Norm, Avg, Etc.
  6. S

    How Do You Keep The Relationship Hot ? Nee Advice

    Don't cover your flaws- A relationship works best when your lover or spouse knows what your flaws are. You see you don't have to hide them and this will work in your favor when it comes to the long term as your spouse knows that you are honest with her.
  7. S

    Why do young men stop sleeping with attractive wives

    I think in part,women stop doing what they were doing when they first were getting together with their mate. Men love excitement in sex. For the most part, women don't enjoy sex as often as men.
  8. S

    What is sex like with a woman who is in her fifties and sixties?

    You are a wise man. Any woman over +45 is very sexy. She'll tell you want she wants. And is not afraid to get up, Put her clothes on, and say "See 'ya, You're not my type". Her body might be **Banged up and not new car shine* ,
  9. S

    Do girls really go for guys with nice cars?

    a car is a car to me .. as long as it looks half decent i don't care but in saying if you have a really nice car obviously ill be abit more attracted one more thing .. most girls hate it when you try and get them into bed by talking about your car its gross and a turn off don't do it !
  10. S

    Dealing with anxiety of dating younger women

    Well It's inevitable with a large age gap that you will have some different interests to your girlfriend. she may still be into things that you have long grown out of, and you may have more adult interests that he hasn't discovered yet.