Recent content by sharkfin

  1. S

    im serious but how do you get funny and playful with girls?

    You don't "get" funny and "struggle to keep a comedic act" with women. The better you look to a specific woman or women and attractive you are to them the "funnier" you become. Ever notice when you say things, or other guys say things that AREN'T really funny and a certain woman or women keep...
  2. S

    Are women intimidated by good looking men

    That's hilarious coming from the king of assumptions and projection. You should follow your own advice instead of do as I say not as I do.
  3. S

    PUAs who act like getting rejected makes you a better person

    Why waste your time paying attention to PUA scammers if you already know they're full of it? How is that improving yourself sitting around worried about that garbage? Hit the gym, groom and dress your absolute best in an up to date edgy style that suits you, be socially free and open, do your...
  4. S

    Working Less + Spending Less = Living Less

    +1 reps. Nuff said /Thread.
  5. S

    How to WIN at this game

    Last anyone checked you're on a seduction forum yannik the confused mgtow. If you and the rest of the confused mgtows prefer to listen to an echo chamber head to mgtow head quarters. Otherwise youre just here attempting to recruit others to hold your hands as you betas need more and more to...
  6. S

    How to WIN at this game

    This is pathetic. You dudes act as if your only hope with women is to live in fear of them subjugating you at every turn. That's phaggotry. Let me guess Men = Good. Women = Bad. You dudes are seriously suspect. And at best complete frauds. Pretend to want "pvssy" yet run with...
  7. S

    How to WIN at this game

    Poon just wants to upchuck his nonsense on the forums and not be challenged to show and prove on his views. Everyone else does and has whether proven right or wrong. Yet the almighty "poon king" runs, hides, deflects, ignores, goes off on tangents, calls others "trolls" while trolling all along...
  8. S

    How to WIN at this game

    Yannik I realize you enjoy serving as "poon kings" muse yet claim to want nothing to do with women while posting about it on a SEDUCTION forum and looking up to a stranger on the net who goes by the handle of "poon king". Then at the same time agreeing with a previous poster about insults...
  9. S

    How to WIN at this game

    How does it feel to be laughed at by a fat virgin living in his grandmothers attic? Dont answer. Its written in your estrogen laced posts of feminine rage. :yes: So poon. When are you going to organize a sarge to show those in your area how to be a poon king live? Will those that sign up wind...
  10. S

    How to WIN at this game

    Your posts are getting even more flamboyant with the limp wristed typing style you possess. You seem oblivious to your own hypocrisy, contradictions, and whining. Why is it so important for you to have others agree with you while pretending not to care if they don't then throwing hissy fits...
  11. S

    Interesting OLD study and verifies what I've been saying about OLD

    OLD can best be described as a nightclub that's free for women with myriads of issues to enter and live in where they then get to decide which men who look like Chippendale's dancers are only allowed on their guest V.I.P list for "serious relationships"(one after the other), free drinks, and all...
  12. S

    How to WIN at this game

    And you trying to sound like a "Poon King" and actually being one are two completely different things "Poon King". You are a troll. Nothing more. An angry narcissistic troll with the mentality of a hurt, wounded little 12 year old. An angry child who pretends to dislike what he knows he can...
  13. S

    Breaking every rule on here :D

    Don't hold your breath. "Poon King's" passive aggressive cowardice is just like an angry woman deflecting and grasping at straws to "win" in his diseased mind. Once again it should be duly noted for all to see. Poon isnt getting any women. Nor does he even truly want one. That kid is suspect.
  14. S

    How to WIN at this game

    You sound very angry. You cant answer the tough questions others ask of you because your theories and anecdotal evidence isn't strong enough to support your generalizations, flip flopping and dodging. You can't even have a committed relationship with your own beliefs because you refuse to...
  15. S

    How to WIN at this game

    Poon king decides for all men what makes a real man. Lol. :crackup: