Recent content by secks

  1. S

    Can I make a lover from my long term platonic friend?

    In short, yes you can, I have done it. But your position is different, because she has openly told or shown you that she doesn't want to be in a relationship with you. You have to have attractive traits. Confidence, personality, etc. In my case, I've known her for about the same...
  2. S

    Do Asians have a place in America?

    I am asian, pretty average, but I have firmly adopted western culture. At home my parents speak our language, and I eat strange foods, but outside, I am an American. I guess you can say I might appear somewhat whitewashed compared to the asian kids that group together, but I have not lost my...
  3. S

    Looks do count

    There's nothing wrong with the way you look! What's wrong with the picture is the way you feel about yourself. You look sad, defeated. It's all about your confidence, how you feel about yourself. Looks help, but unattractive people get action and married every day. If you get a date...
  4. S

    Girl from High School

    If she's taking more than a few hours to respond, sounds like she is not interested. Move in for the kill, or forget about it, otherwise dragging it out will only bring you down.
  5. S

    Girl from High School

    Wait what is going on here. Stop conversating Here's what your next reply should be something like. Let's catch up, we should meet up for (lunch or coffee etc) I'm free (name a day days). You don't need to answer her last question. Next time you see her at the restaurant don't not talk to her...
  6. S

    Why does hooking up at house parties seem like such an impossible task??

    Sounds like some of the parties I go to. Sounds like you need to loosen up and try to enjoy yourself. Talk about what you want to talk about, not what you think other people want to hear. Certain people will want to hear what you have to say. Make buddies with the popular guy. If you know...
  7. S

    Doesnt like kissing?

    Bad as in bad kisser. This doesn't mean you are a bad kisser in general, just that she doesn't like the way you kiss. Try to see what she's doing, when she kisses, and mimmic or follow along with it. Every girl has a different thing they like or dislike. She might just not like your style...
  8. S

    Doesnt like kissing?

    Means that she thinks you're bad. I had a girl tell me thats why they say that. I guess I got better, because she wouldn't stop kissing me afterwards.
  9. S

    Man.. fvck you all. Looks DO matter.

    I'm asian, about 5'9. Oh and height doesn't really matter, the last girl was taller than me. I consider myself about average for asian, and maybe slightly below average for average american. I'm thin, not particularly muscular, and I slouch a bit. Looks matter somewhat, but probably not as...
  10. S

    Do I call/text or does she call/text?

    Text her: look sexy tonight Tells her: what time, what you expect, what to do, and makes her excited in 3 words.
  11. S

    Asian Men and White Girls

    It's all in your head. I'm asian and I have a hot white girlfriend.
  12. S

    Is there anything u can do about your looks besides expensive clothes and working out

    Your confidence will change your looks more than any of that other stuff combined.
  13. S

    Unprovoked "I love you" text

    Usually, "I love you" means you're well into the friend zone and now a pretty good friend. That's what the interactions sound like. However, she does seem kind of desperate. Talk to her, and next time she goes out, tell her you want to come. Go out, have fun, don't hang around her the...
  14. S

    How do you escalate in college?

    I struggled with this for the longest time. It's not until recently (sophomore now) did I figure it out. The reason why there is so little written is because it's pretty easy, but only once you've done it before. Basically just call her up and meet up with her to hang out. Do anything...
  15. S

    1st call after 1st date very important?

    sounds like you've lost it. But anyways here's what I would do. Wait a bit, go do stuff you have to do. Call her up, grab her attention, get excited about something. Tell her, we are meeting here at this time. If she says that she can't, be like that's alright, and keep talking or tell...