Recent content by samueladams

  1. S

    what percentage of HB's @ bars are actually single?

    Just pondering it. What percentage of HB's 7+ do you think are actually single that are out at bars?
  2. S

    Perhaps a strange question, but what kind of shoes do you wear?

    if i'm trying to look decent but casual i've got one pair each of black and brown coach loafers (plain..not that penny loafer crap). Got them at the Saks outlet were like $250 new but got them for about 80. They look nice but b/c they're loafers they're not dressy per-se
  3. S

    wtf is this first date crap? I wanna get the p00n

    Indeed...I'm used to perky broads but then again I usually only go for the high mainenance sorority biotches. This chick is one of those SoCal chill beach bums that doesn't wear makeup etc. Not my typical choice of pursuit thus it intrigues me...
  4. S

    If a girl is playing with her hair around you.

    High...dude you're the touching guy also right? This chick is interested! ask her out and keep touching!
  5. S


    what was the context behind the touch? You just grab some random girl on the road by the arm etc? In class and you touch her arm to ask for a pen? etc...need to know more
  6. S


    high interest...keep touching!
  7. S

    wtf is this first date crap? I wanna get the p00n

    So wanna nail this chick...she's only a HB7 but it is what it is...she's around right now...haha So...she gives me her # at some bar...I'm drunk and had approached then lost interest when my drunk friend got really belligerent but I guess I made an impression. I follow up have the first...
  8. S

    Bad boys are a joke

    Indeed...also bear in mind some of these alpha bady boy types that pounded everything in sight and partied a ton mellow out and realize to continue living the good life they get their crap together and transition from a drunken frat boy to a successful lawyer/doctor at a top school. I was in a...
  9. S

    Recovery from saying something stupid

    who the fvck cares what a guy thinks? I mean we all say dumb crap sometimes...don't sweat it...if you're just around dudes who cares...if its mixed then i dunno don't say the dumb crap you're saying...not much can tell you how not to say this crap
  10. S

    Do you think where i live changes anything?

    YES...euro chicks are even bigger *****s...well they're more liberated and free about it. Key is not just seeing sights and taking pictures when you're there but actually going out to bars etc...only problems are language barriers but british chicks are easy...too bad they're butt nasty...
  11. S

    He who hesitates...

    meathead is the rebound guy...she'll be on the market again shortly and then you strike...being the rebound guy is great if you want the poon but if you actually like the chick then no.
  12. S

    Do you think where i live changes anything?

    florida is great for women...have a friend at fsu and its utopia...they're in better shape and tan that the east coast hors...very similar to what i've seen here in CA... unless you live in rural florida next to alabama enjoy that...went to Miami for a weekend and went was absurd!
  13. S

    Is having a 9-5 job important to women?

    The career thing is a two fold problem...Some women find it attactive you're a lawyer/doctor b/c of the money factor. Others, generally the more intelligent women, appreciate it b/c they respect that you've worked hard to get to where you are in life. You're clearly not stupid and to top...
  14. S

    Is having a 9-5 job important to women?

    women will trip all over themselves if you have one of the "elite" (celebrity, pro-athlete, lawyer, doctor) get one of those you'll have to beat them off with a stick once they find out what you do. Otherwise everyone else short of the homeless bum on the corner is on a level...
  15. S

    don't think I blew it yet...advice on how to proceed?

    Long story short... Got some #'s on thursday in particular, HB8.5 caught my attention and with her she gave me her # when she was leaving rather than me having asked for it as I had to tend to a drunk @ss friend about 2 min. after meeting her, then closing time. the...