Recent content by Sacratus Bellator

  1. S

    I Challenge the Top DJ on This Site!

    I believe you fall in to that category...
  2. S

    Does anyone carry a cheat sheet?

    Gaming girls is not like walking or riding a bike on flat ground. Its more like mountain riding off trail. There are some similarities in how you handle jumps, and obstacles but there are so many factors, training wheels just wont cut it. The terrain is never the same, there is nothing to...
  3. S

    Does anyone carry a cheat sheet?

    Why put an extra step in? Especially when its not necessary. It's like using bumpers in bowling. Yea if you get it right it works. But you lose a whole dynamic when you do it. The pro's aren't practicing with bumpers, I am willing to wager they didn't ever use them. Why? Because it isn't part of...
  4. S

    Does anyone carry a cheat sheet?

    Most of the posts in the bible are epic posts. Something where a tip or opinion or an epiphany is proclaimed. He seems to give mostly advice, which is accurate, but not really something that can be put in the bible. Yes, you agree with me. And there is a reason why they call them cheat sheets...
  5. S

    Does anyone carry a cheat sheet?

    Fransisco is on the money, why are you callin him out? Wouldn't a cheat sheet be like cramming before a test which may help you in the short term but not in the long term. People shouldn't be looking for a band-aid they should be looking for a cure.
  6. S

    The tirade of AFC songs NEVER stopped the hottest babes chasing Elvis Presley

    I agree with others, he was the king of the sexual state. He made no excuses, they had to film him from the waist up because of his inapropriate (for the time) dancing. He was also considered good looking, famous, and in his movies he was ultra confident. The songs, well most people didn't...
  7. S

    Trouble attracting girls I'm interested in

    Having self confidence governed by others is sort of like being a small boat in the middle of the ocean. You don't have any control over what happens, you are at the mercy of the environment. While a submarine (or some one with a deep self confidence) is not affected quite so much because it...
  8. S

    The First Original Don Juan

    I am not sure if I understood your question about the child like invulnerability. They are talking about how as kids, you always seem to think you will live for ever and there are no consequences for your actions. Which is why he had no fear, he was ignorant to it. That is a mistake. Fear is...
  9. S

    This is Sparta, CHUMPS!

    Sparta practiced a chaste (non sexual) form of pederasty. While the rest of greece was busy having sex with boys. What sparta did was still strange, but tame compared to the rest of greece.
  10. S

    My advice to you all: "Survival of The Fittest"

    Well it's good to see you are humble. By the way bell end is not a compliment... it's a british term for something best left unsaid here.
  11. S

    The LAST looks matter thread (Please!)

    Has anyone seen a dead horse? Oh wait, I think I see some one beating it. This post will get out of hand and eventually be closed or deleted. I wish people would stop opening pandora's box.
  12. S

    Troll Targetting System [Operation Troll Stomp]

    Civil war broke out because the South wanted to expand the rules of slavery, and the North did not. Also the South wanted to secede and form their own government, which the federal government said they could not do. The two main differences between your argument and the one in the forums are...
  13. S

    Troll Targetting System [Operation Troll Stomp]

    I love self elected officials. Who have no official capacity. Yet they attempt to take power simply by saying they are in charge. The greatest injustice would be to give this group some authority. Let the mods do what they do, and stop worrying about banning all these "trolls". Besides the fact...
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    Troll Targetting System [Operation Troll Stomp]

    I have done nothing to troll. Any group where some one like Mission is making any judgement calls is a group destined to fail.
  15. S

    Troll Targetting System [Operation Troll Stomp]

    This is insane... I wish this was a joke. So Docs... you want to make you and your friends part of a little squad to flush out "trolls" Maybe you should go back to the 1600's I hear they had a fabulous witch hunt.