Recent content by Richard Harrow

  1. R

    90 Days NoFap challange

    I'm on day 21 of no porn/fap. It's been hard for me to admit, but it's clear as day now; I've been a porn addict for many years. I'm actually about to start seeing a therapist about my porn/masturbation addiction. The only reason I've made it 21 days is because I've had many ups and downs...
  2. R

    Broke up with girl who loved me. I'm a F***** jerk.

    Thanks everyone, seriously. I've sought out therapy and have decided to take the semester off to get myself healthy. My priorities have to really change. The truth hurts, but I'm hoping to turn this mental breakdown into a breakthrough in life. All I want in life right now is to just be happy...
  3. R

    90 Days NoFap challange

    Ok I'm game. I think I've been good for almost a week, but I'll make it official here today. Day 1, BOOM. I swear porn played a part in really wrecking my last relationship. Just remember that if your GF is not into porn at all and you continue to watch porn it'll really cause problems in the...
  4. R

    Broke up with girl who loved me. I'm a F***** jerk.

    I used to roam these forums long ago (lost my username) and really took all the advice given here to heart. Worked on myself, turned my whole life around. I went from a high school drop out to getting a full-ride to a top ranked university and I'm on my way to a great future career wise. I'm...