Recent content by Ramrod

  1. R

    Stay away from cannabis, or no?

    I'm personally against it but I have smoked it in the past. To answer I would say "everything in moderation" unless you have some underlying psychological issues, in which case I would strongly advise you to leave it alone.
  2. R

    She is 44 with a 7 yr old

    Stick around. Who knows, you might be able to bang the daughter too. Sure it's a lot of bull**** to handle but it's a great two-for-one deal.
  3. R

    Female Guard caught screwing inmates

    Joe Stud, the 70s are over. Women are for ****ing and that's it! Now go out and get some *****! If this guy in prison can, there's no stopping a free man!
  4. R


    guy who hits on her and she likes it = stud guy who hits on her and she doesn't like it = creeper
  5. R

    Stop making fun of women

    SexiiKing77 wins the coveted Beta Male of the Day award. Nice tip.
  6. R

    I think I found Pook on another site...

    Pook was never into gambling, and certainly not into watching sports. Plus the style and the manner of communication is completely different.
  7. R

    I think I found Pook on another site...

    That ain't Pook. Trust me on this one.
  8. R

    Feel like a man*****

    Went to a party last night. Kissed a girl, not very long (****block friend dragged her away). Both drunk. I was sucking on her lip. I got her name, but not her number. I don't like kissing random people. Hell, I'm not even sure if she remembers it. You know? I feel like such a little...
  9. R

    Approach experiment ...

    Hey, starting college in a few days. I've approached women before - I get very nervous, but this is getting better. Talking to them is just a pain. Opening them is just a pain. But in other avenues, I can be extremely confident and sometimes say outrageous things. To be blunt: It's...
  10. R

    has any one kissed a girl in class?

    Where have all the balls gone? Of course I would bang a chick in class. True, people might laugh at you if you fail...but if you succeed, everyone will be like "S***! It's the kid who banged that one chick RIGHT IN CLASS WHILE THE TEACHER WAS TALKING!" Seriously, every girl in the...
  11. R

    Chicks that hate you

    Just spank them really hard.
  12. R

    Thinking of buying Anthony Ellis' book

    If you think that you can gain a lot of muscle just reading articles off the internet, then don't buy it. But if you're a scrawny guy with an extremely fast metabolism who finds it hard to gain any weight at all, then it's a must. The program tells you all about what to do and, most...
  13. R


    It's the same where I live to. I'm 5'9 and 16, but most boys seem to tower over me. Also, that stuff about weight training stunting your growth is a myth: Go hit the gym, man!
  14. R

    What is usually the #1 cause of getting someone pregnant?

    What is usually the #1 cause for getting someone pregnant? Sexual intercourse
  15. R

    What happens if you like a girl, and her friend likes you

    Sdfasdf You are in an enviable position. If that girl's friend likes you, then they will talk ... and she will wonder about you. Keep in mind too that friendships between girls are paper thin. They are the ultimate backstabbers and will do anything in their power to win the prize.