Recent content by prince_dj

  1. P

    Tips 'n tricks and other bullsh|t

    it is inspirational to have read the maturity and meaningfulness of this post. although i have much to experience, i will remember it as a goal. and when i feel lost, i shall remember this and be guided.
  2. P

    Just got a gym membership

    i have personally sent the most time on my abs. i have found hanging leg raises (do not bend knees) and reverse situps (leg straight) on decline benches the most useful for lower abs. for the upper abs, i do the prayer exercise and sit ups with a 45 lb weight on decline benches while holding for...
  3. P

    How to dress to impress (cost much less then you think)

    some really good tips. my favorite is about the jeans: "Do buy boot cut jeans, stay away from relaxed fit...- and get low rise. And wear them exactly on the HIP bone. Make sure the length is just PERFECT. A little part flaking over the boot." the not-baggy, close fit, low rise, and...
  4. P

    Chest Size....

    i had almost the same problem a few years ago. i had really big arms but a flat chest. i dedicated some time for three months in summer working out with my chest as the main focus. i highly recommand dumbbells to lift. when i used the flat bench one peck ended up bigger than the other. also...